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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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you are watching the news, tatyana nekrasova is in the studio, good evening and briefly about the main thing.
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what will be the further development of the country and society will be determined by the all-belarusian people's assembly. the main political event of the year starts tomorrow, everything is about readiness number one. no rallies in a country of real democracy. protests on the campuses of major american universities are harshly suppressed by the police. try to take a prize, or even better, win olympic gold. with a license for games in paris, we returned to... arrows domestic clothing with a minimum markup. the first specialized fair of belegprom in the house of culture of the tractor plant. tomorrow the main political event of the year starts in minsk. all-belarusian people's assembly. the forum will bring together representatives of all segments of the population, spheres of activity and determine the vector of the country’s development for the near future, set accents and set tasks for the economy and society. we will show everything live: 2
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days in a row on belarus-1, all the most important and interesting, opinions from the heart of events in our visiting studios. the live broadcast from the palace of the republic starts on wednesday at 14:00. the entire belarusian people's assembly. we'll show you everything. informative, clear and interesting.
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the youngest of them is eighteen-year-old maxim zhurravlev. he was elected from the zhabinkovsky district council of deputies. the young man has an active civil opposition, despite his young age, they already trust him and are confident in him. master of sports , three-time champion of belarus in boxing, participated in competitions of various scales, excellent student, studies at pushkin university in brest, at the faculty of physical education. at the all-belarus people's assembly he will represent, first of all, the interests of young people. i am overwhelmed with honor and responsibility to my zhibenkovsky district, my native district, and i will also represent my native region. i understand the importance of this event, i would like to pay attention specifically to the sporting activities of our country, that is. we have very worthy ones in the brez region, even at the republican level, where very serious competitions are held, even at the international level. we must develop all kinds of sports, i would also like to say that it is sports that should always be outside of politics. tomorrow morning, all delegates from the southwestern region will head in a single
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column to minsk for the all-belarusian people's assembly. the spc delegates have already formulated their proposals. they will represent the interests of different social strata of the population and public groups. 1162 people, among the participants of the large forum and representatives of the armed forces, as an officer of the ministry of defense noted, the priority is security and the successful development of the country. all submitted documents were studied in advance, prepared, communicated in teams, communicated with their colleagues on these issues, some issues were studied in advance, about seventy were created on behalf of the head of state. platforms for discussing the concept of national security and military doctrine, some innovations were proposed in the process of this work, therefore, during the all-belarusian people's assembly, we will make this decision,
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this document with firm confidence. for any citizen of our country, especially for a military man, national security remains a priority, and ensuring it is a strategic task. the uk defense industry is entering war mode. prime minister sunak revealed london’s unpeaceful plans during his visit to poland. thus , mists albion plans to increase defense spending to 2.5% of gdp by 2030. the cash injection into this industry will amount to more than $90 billion. earlier, sunak reported that the uk would send kiev the largest one in recent years. years military package aid, it will include over 1,600 missiles, 4 million rounds of ammunition, 60 boats, and more than 400 vehicles of various types. no rallies in a country of real democracy. the campuses of major american universities were gripped by protests. hundreds of
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student teachers across the country took part in protests against the war in the gas sector to supply arms to israel. demonstrations that began at columbia university quickly spread to other states, but efforts were made to pacify the protesters. police, including special forces. as a result, 45 yale university students will soon be held in a police station, and security forces have been deployed to detain them. in new york , more than 150 people were arrested right on campus, in colombia 108. the management of educational institutions announced the suspension of all those involved in pro-palestinian rallies from studies. in italy, an anti-war protest turned ugly. with clashes with the police, a large-scale demonstration paralyzed the turino metro center. participants condemn israel's operation in the gaza strip. part of the claims addressed to the government of italy, which exported more than 2 million weapons for the needs of sakhalin. simultaneously with the protest , a scientific conference was held in touraine with
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the participation of the head of the italian foreign ministry and the country’s deputy prime minister. the demonstrators did not fail to take the opportunity to express their position in person. "a police cordon blocked the way for students demanding an end to cooperation with israel in the scientific educational sphere. at least four police officers and two demonstrators were injured. increasing supply volumes and developing new ways for efficient business operation, a roadmap for cooperation between the minsk and arkhangelsk regions, was signed today by governors alexander turchin and alexander tsibolsky. provide agreement.
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further, in addition to this, our traditional direction of processing our food products is also an interesting topic. more than 36 can be used and sea water and so millions of dollars, this result for last year in figures showed the trade turnover between the minsk and arkhangelsk regions, while the export of belarusian goods to this region of russia has more than quadrupled. this year , after the signing of the agreement, these indicators are planned. increase. concern bely lightprom is expanding its product range and giving belarusians the opportunity to purchase
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domestic clothing with a minimum trade markup. also at the fashion bazaar, more than twenty well-known manufacturers present shoes, haberdashery, tableware and bed linen. this is the first republican specialized fair in the capital. she works in the cultural center of the minsk tractor plant. our main goal fairs are a social responsibility of the manufacturer to the consumer. we demonstrate that... products from domestic manufacturers, belarusian manufacturers, they can be not only high-quality, safe, beautiful, but also cheap, so here we present the products of the so-called past years, stock products, at very reasonable prices, you can find a product from 1 rub. today, the belolekprom concern includes more than 60 organizations with a total workforce of almost 30,000 people; since the beginning of this year alone, the company has produced products for... 600 million rubles. almost 70% of goods are exported. by may 1
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, outdoor advertising must be completely in order. natalya kachanova, chairman of the council of the republic and authorized representative of the head of state for minsk, set this task for the city authorities at a meeting. the meeting was attended by representatives of the presidential administration, the ministry of information, the ministry of internal affairs, the minsk city executive committee, as well as the heads of the city district administration. the attention of those responsible should be paid not just to installation billboards and other structures, their content. of course, this issue is monitored in the city on a daily basis, monitoring is carried out systematically, that is, throughout the city of minsk, along the minsk ring road, violations are certainly identified, violations concern both the technical condition of readout advertising structures, and the quality and relevance of outdoor advertising subjects, attention is paid to this, this is all controlled here with...
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the capital's boxing cup minsk open in memory of the honored coach vladimir batvinnik will help the coaching staff decide on the composition of the team for the championship of the old continent among juniors. the boys and girls have already shown their skills at the republic championship, but now the athletes will gain international experience, which should help them at the european forum at the end of june in bosney and herzegovina. the tournament, which started today at the velodrome. russia, kazakhstan, azerbaijan and
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kyrgyzstan. the age of the athletes is 15-16 years. in total, over four days of competition , 102 boxers and 12 boxers will enter the ring. they will add no doubt they will add more. but what the coaches taught them for 13-14 years is already visible. and these skills are improved from battle to battle. among other things, we must be as honest as possible.
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second place of the brazilian start. the emotions were amazing, the competition was very confident, the level of competition was very high, but i managed to cope with it and show a good result. in order to win a license, take second place, first of all, the most dangerous opponent is yourself, the main thing is not to fool yourself, that’s all the rest, all ordinary people, like me, everyone has a chance to win and lose, and before the olympics we are planning to hold a training camp, most likely it will be held in minsk, together with those
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athletes who will prepare for our an alternative start, their main start... this is exactly how olympic champion irina leshchenko, in an exclusive interview with the sportkadr project, commented on the terrible march fall, which essentially forced the biathlete to end the season early. i reached the moment point, i already had such a failure, it was in the medical center that i was sitting, i didn’t understand how i ended up there, and i was like, damn, who did i leave the child with, well, it’s as if i had such, well, a little bit of such failures,
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well, then i begin to remember that everything is as if child. a big interview with irina awaits you tomorrow on the sport5by website. los angeles lakers winning +20 in the third quarter against denver in the second match of the first round of the nba playoffs. as a result , the company loses 99,101. and thus , the current champions are already leading 2:0 in the confrontation of up to four wins. third the game in this pair will take place the day after tomorrow.
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we do not tell dry historical facts, we immerse ourselves in an era that is growing.
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it was necessary to take four stones, they were placed around the perimeter of the house, in the four corners, a frame was already placed on them, it was believed that everything good that was in the old house would definitely go to the new house. travel with the belarus 24 tv channel.
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who and how helps make our lives better, what are scientists working on today? in december last year , our information and analytical system became available to users geostatistics. the system allows you to create tables, queries, diagrams, cartograms. complex things in simple terms. conditions are usually if the composition of the product changes, some new raw materials are used, that is, most often specifications in order to speed up
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the release of new products to the market, as well as the most interesting facts: so in the second half of the 16th century the so -called descriptive statistics, it was then called the state’s jurisdiction, well, alexander ii’s territory. they were born in different corners of the world, i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband sergei was the first to come here for work, he really liked it here, i was born in tselinograd, that is, there is, so to speak, a little history there, at first.
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we are busy with the new day and we are working on this music, music, what a buzz...


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