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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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to change the truth and change it to 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this is the new sound. a line from coming up in the next 60 minutes to 100 days of war. israel shows no sign defending the devastation of gaza is more people are killed. right across the street, police in the us, the risk, thousands of students has protests against the war on gals and get a statement universities around the country and, and get an audience. and the teachers and students protest against funding counts to public education. and 5 people drowned and some of the risk you'd making the
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perilous journey to the u. k. just dallas off to the government passes along with us in migrants to respond to the it's now 22, g m t a and choose. i bought $200.00 dies since is where i launched it's for wrong cause of the unrelenting attacks carried out by is rarely forces. see no sign of a basing was half the street was population is now seeking refuge and proffer in the south with as well as on me is threatening to launch a catastrophic offensive building. 34000 palestinians have been killed as since october the 7th. now the war has spiked global outrage and as well stands accused of committing genocide and human rights abuses. to erica with whom has this report from rafa and southern gaza. the $200.00 days since as well began as genocide of cause lights on slate,
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shows new signs of lifting up. and again, it's women and children who all the victims. spite was just 7 years old when the messiah struck. is mother now left without this on the be we were inside the house and suddenly the house break suggested everywhere we kept looking for a smile, but he wasn't in the house and he was an industry which might have disappeared. he was not even in the houses of our neighbors. finally, we found dish miles body. it was more than 20 meters away from the last. these ready only gave the and wanting to is that to wait this positive, they come out here in the know during causes trip somebody this morning. do not mess have any more to people left hanging on to life here. we're in
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a very dire situation. i'm too exhausted. i walked all the way from home on foot. i can't continue like this. what happens happens so it's in a less and others are being forced to leave any way they can hoping to find safety into value. refugee come lives destroyed, increase families, but to pause. as well stands accused of genocide at the international court of justice. the court has already ordered as well to guarantee the safety of civilians on over the israel continues to ignore 200 days into its will. in gauze to our capacity. oh, just a rough, rough off palestine purchase against the warrant gauze have taken hold at a number of top us universities including jail, columbia, mit and how the demonstrations and support of palestine have grown since friday. hundreds of students have been arrested since then,
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but many more have continued to sit up in cabins. the white house is monitoring the situation at college campuses closely, but for more on all of this, we joined now by chris and salumi, who is at new york university, chris, and he just took us through what is happening there right now and how much momentum is behind these protest as well and why you demonstrators have been going added for hours here in a park. that's actually just off of the n y u campus. they've been here since a few hours ago after getting kicked off of their own campus due to arrest a $133.00 students. and teachers were actually arrested on campus last night. the university claiming they were disruptive and danger to the students they are. but as news spread of their arrests,
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so have demonstrations around the country. at other colleges and universities. police moved in after dark to arrest demonstrators at new york university were over 100 students, and teachers defied orders to leave a school plaza for face consequences. there were arrest that you know, university to dozens of them, these students and others across the country coming out in protest of israel's devastating war on gaza and in solid arity with columbia university students. they are the so called gaza solidarity encampment has been redirected after the school called in police to arrest more than 100 students and dismantle it. last week. all columbia, as faculty joined protesters to condemn the move initiated by the university
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president who cancelled in person classes monday to address security concerns to say right please to pick up peaceful protesters on our campus was on to the board for portion of devices and dangerous. they are outrage not only by the arrest, but also by president namath minissha, pigs testimony before congress, while conservative representatives called pacific beach resignation for not doing more to crack down on demonstrators. the school senate, consisting of students, faculty and administrators, is expected to vote to censure her as early as wednesday, very important. our faculty send the university in a way that are present before students demonstrators, including jewish student,
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demonstrators deny accusations of anti semitism at columbia university. they even stopped their protests to celebrate the 1st night of passover. they described their movement as peaceful in blame any antagonistic inflammatory statements or actions on outside or from california to state polytechnic university on the west coast to the massachusetts institute of technology and emerson. college on the east, the demands for school leaders are the same. we want emerson colleagues, number one call for an immediate cease fire and gaza. number 2 to disclose all financial investments and zionist organizations, number 3, to divest from those organizations. number 4, to drop all charges against students for disciplinary actions, attempts to silence the movement only amplifying it's called kristen salumi algae or new york. and speaking to demonstrators here today,
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i was struck by how many of them were actually wearing mass and covering their faces. they say that they're concerned about blow back and discrimination against them for supporting this cause, but say that they will continue. in fact, many have left the park here to joins demonstrations up at columbia university and supports at other schools in the cities. a school by the name of the new school, also seeing demonstrators here in minnesota, the state of minnesota, the state of michigan, the state of pennsylvania today have all added demonstrations with students. they are, the mayor of new york has express concern that these protests were attract agitators who are looking to do harm while you defended the students, right to protest. you said that they have concerns that there would be more violence in action,
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although the purchase have been overwhelmingly useful at this point. the demonstrators i spoke to here said that absolutely they were peaceful and intent. they are not anti semitic. they say that things only got out of hand when the police arrived. thank you so much, chris and chris and slid me for us. the outside new york university approaches have also been held in tell of a for a pressure as mounting on prime minister benjamin netanyahu, relatives of captives. and this opposes types themselves with the message to 100 days. and nothing has changed towards own free and kept his health and goal is to have stalled. as israel has refused to accept a permanency spot. and my brother in law, secondary doesn't. and we don't we 130 more people too much needs to be in. we need to have
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in defending the country need to to the head of the you in agency for palestinian refugees is as well as recent attacks on the group. a part of a push to remove the organization from the kansas trip in january is rarely q. some interests off of involvement in a mazda is october 7th attacks, but a review of the agencies operations released on monday, stated that as well as know, provided supporting evidence for its claim of the office of that review made a list of recommendations to ensure accountability and then utility of own rep, billy, and my colleague wrote madison spoke to the agencies commission, definitely plaza reading. he began by asking him if he thought that would help restore confidence, an owner. and i really hope that the reach the default will help us to restore the confidence of phone pauses on the the door us a disability done on my sofa,
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but whitcomb report we have with come also the recommendation on you might have noticed that the report clearly indicated that the agency already have a number of robust mckinney, some didn't waste no try to issue under this, a mechanics of i would say this thunder of many of the agencies or it's not a national enjoys. but because of the nature of the conflict that we are dealing with and the complexity of our environment, you choose the need to do even better. and this is the reason why we embrace sunday embrace the recommendation made by a company called an a, an a team. and we have now preparing response fun to follow up on this recommendation at junior press conference, who gave a long list of uh, the level of, of damage to own were property. and of course the,
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the effect that this has had on was stuff the arrests that are being carried out and so on. what is the morale of stuff? i don't know at the moment, of course, not just in guys, but in all the areas that it operates when it must, i would imagine field that is under constant depression. yeah, only why is on the constant at a constant pressure constant coating of dysfunction, a constant administrative, a restaurant, and also constant, i would say sometimes social media assassination. and the says definitely an impact on our stuff. or you might also have seen a wizard. now stuff today, so they have been an opinion for and also within the population in the west bank, i need no gaza. there is a deep anxiety. is that if the, the agency is a discount of the do this would also put an end to the 2 state solution. i was, i just had a pretty constant last
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a week. and basically i told the member that the i talked to on want have nothing to do. we started to try to, to issues. but in reality, the what keep it that the, by the objective of the street. but the but his team in, from the river just stages you also mentioned in your press conference, but within 24 hours of the obligations originally being made by man, a biased real about members of an were allegedly taking part in the homeless letter till the 7th attacks and southern israel, $16.00 to $18.00 countries have pulled their funding. how concerned and how worried are you that countries are prepared to pull funding so quickly before obligations are actually just determined to be funded? the invest shows also the unprecedented crisis on china agency agency is currently facing the way sir. uh, it is true that 6 in the country within 48 hours and then once that pools,
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but the good news is that since most of the countries have review, it's a decision on how reinstated the contribution to the agency. at the times it took the decision, it had the, the, the agents who basically have no disability anymore evolved. it's a financial contribution. today, folks to the fact that most of the donors have come back a new to. and i've also joined the agencies. we have a slightly more visibility and i can see some consult uh that we have enough resources to keep her out activities running activities the till the end of june and go into the multiple tonight. but it's very precarious, and we continue to function most to have and to most ellia. i spoke with. luciano is a car, he's an associate professor of golf politics. as counsellor university's golf study center,
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he says the potential is rarely ground operation in southern gaza. will result in the evidently leads to massive casualties. and despite the fact that the united, this is keeps saying that they don't want this to happen, that there are a lot of pressure from in the community. you know, you mentioned that that the same the, this operation will create a lot of problems that will be, uh, must have cost on this because there's no way that you can start on operation. and without the entering and the see that that is already crowded over the crowd of people. 1.3000000 this leaving there at, in not very good condition. so yeah. how, how do you want to do that? we see that they are preparing something in order to evaluate the bottom of the police on know for this is important to me of all these properties in order to start the operation. i'm to separate cbs from most people, but this is almost impossible. how do i do that without killing people in the me? the, in, in the, in between is what i mean. somebody likely that this person can have that we thought they must have them. you must have, you mentioned us and,
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and we've seen it for quite some time now that the us is and, and others of push back against as well, warning them not to do this. what else can i do at this point in time to ensure that as well doesn't actually go ahead with the ground defense is, is very difficult. mean, because at the same time the by then i'm the from the people from the us on industry. so last time the, that's the senate happens. i'll separate the 6000000000 bar with 80 boats again a 16 so that support of keeping the, the, the support the media to support on financial support to start assisting their. so again, we are discussing whether or not i think is going on and where the actions are going, that they are pretty different. obviously the fact that people to support the best thing that us feel, probably the sort of seeing that us are supportive of the store and they say, but despite the fact that they don't want to see videos to be killed they, we continue supporting this, right. so what's the seeking us and it's on the always receiving. okay. never
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people. i'm impressed. so by the end of the day, we can continue the diesel version because we have the funds to do. yes. so at this point in time, do you think that there's nothing that the us can do will will be prepared to do to actually solve this ratliff they do and dates will be the one i don't think the us wants to do anything. i mean, unless, by the ministration eh, i think the moving from this part of this course that this increase in to some actions you will take a little before we see that even the other products that they are taking place in, in the us, which is the help even the pricing of the time university i worried about showing some assignments a be some of these. and so yeah, these are scripting problems between the, the, it'll get hold on edit as well. so we see a lot of people professing, but you see a lot of people that they are protesting against the protest. me. so they say she
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was about to not think within the united states. that's what funeral has been held for palestinian men killed by his ready forces in jericho. the 44 year old was a father of 3. his date springs, a number of palestinians killed in new york with bank since october. the 7th to $487.00. and now the 3 people were injured by his early gun 5 during grades on refugee camps and jericho on tuesday morning. live in a state media has reported a woman and a 12 year old niece. what among 3 people killed in and is ready as strike 6 others were reportedly wounded when the home and heading near the border with as ralph was his, the use ready military and his belie have been firing at each other across the board a since october with across board of fighting between israel and his belie has been growing in intensity. it's displaced tens of thousands of people on both sides of the boat and left a trail of damage. so to hold a has been on patrol with you in peace, keep us as the signs of war are visible almost everywhere along lebanon's border
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with isabel. this is a front line where there's little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help. it's like him, us in casa, most of israel strikes have been focused on an area about 5 to 10 kilometers from the border. now we are crossing the mark of the gun. see, there's riley person for see shown here, where our moving uh goes through the blue line. and who knows when uh, shelley know, i know yes, like a is going to happens. we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force, in southern lebanon, on their own patrol with lebanon's army. their mission is to ensure the area from the border to the latania river is free of arms and fighters outside the states control. we are here to support the lead on the side of me on the leave as they leave. i mean these government to take control of the,
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of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before the slate, this confrontation, and despite thousands of strikes as well, has failed to push the groups fighters by the you enforce has repeatedly warrant that the danger of escalation is real of the. yeah, we're looking for the, you know, the, the food out. this is an air strikes. so we're looking for the, this uh, how can we prevent this is collisions. so after this, moving at, on, dealing with that searching for the people, it's very, we can have the same. few people remain here, nearly 100000 up in these have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border. this is the cost of war, official say, losses are already in the millions of dollars,
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although the concept is still largely contained and confined to the border region. as well as, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because as well as threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve center for their eligibility to southern lebanon, palestinian human rights organization of hoc is taking the you kind of government the cold in london over to um, the exposed as room lawyers for the group. the accusing is around the violating international law in gaza. filling marks has more in the case while hock is intended primarily to prevent the british government from allowing further with themselves to israel lawyers acting on behalf of the group in court. listen, some of the consequences of these ready ministry, the sofa and dogs of more than 34000 debts near farm and conditions and widespread child mountain nutrition. they have the legal advise us of the global league, an action that what told us the government had only of the last minute requests to
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disease proceedings continue for many months and that some of the hearings be held in secret night. as close proceedings. we've only learned in the recent days that the government has decided that needs to enter these close material proceedings. and we just see this as more evidence that the government is not taking this seriously enough. they could have raised the issue months ago and they haven't done so, and we'll be arguing today that this needs to proceed as quickly as possible. and that these kinds of delays are not acceptable lawyers for the british government and quote on you. the further delays were necessary to allow for an expect to decision by lo, cameron griffin's foreign 6th street about possible violations of international human rights law. and the effect that could have on the british government's decision to continue with lessons transfers. but the members of the opposition party here in britain, labor, they say any such delays or inappropriate and unacceptable just this needs to be the needs to be done now. and the government has an optional eugene my view to be
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fully trans spot in to have complete and full disclosure. and to deal with these matters now uh frankly, uh, you know, trying to delay the market till december is not good enough and certainly not what we would expect from a government. the judge in this area acknowledged beside me, there was no end in sight yet. folder conflict in gaza, but he said that at least the open hearings involving non classified information should happen as soon as possible to them. ok out 0 from the the, the 10s of thousands of protesters rallying and bono sideways and across argentine against government budget counts to education. students and stuff from 73 public universities have joined the marches. president heavy malay has been slashing side spinning as the country struggles with
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the cost of living crisis. jim seen his annual inflation currently stands at 290 percent and poverty levels. a now at 60 percent off on all of his toys about joins us live now from bundles audio and can just run through for us. what exactly are these people protesting for him? and what is actually laid out to this point? well there's thousands and thousands of people on the street. people are starting to leave. now what is known as flux, how they measure, which is right in front of the precedent shows. how does we've been listening to people talk about how important public education is in origin, tina over 60 public universities completely free in this country that are meant matter of pride for many people in argentina that allows low income families to access a higher level education. so what's been going on is that seems to be late to hoffers . do you have instant man, think austerity measures, budget cuts, lifting subsidies among other things, as from very early this year, we've seen the,
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the university professors announcing and seeing how difficult the situation is for universities in the country that they cannot afford to pay for costs in many of those universities and asking basically for the precedent for more money to be able to sustain the taxes in this country. the president says that there's been negotiations on going university, those responsible the university to say that it's not enough. so certainly this is why people are on the 3 say believe that probably if university is a risk in this country ident, tina is a nation that has had 5 nova winners, and many of them come from the university of window sided. some that's why people on the street say that it is extremely important to defend their rights when education has given all of that in the a good that uh we have seen yet. what impact could this actually have on the lives presidency if, if any of these suddenly
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increases the pressure on have you had, i mean, they actually continues with his budget cards with a scary 2 plans with enough thing, the subsidies of electricity, of water, of transport a few was among many other things, so suddenly tension is on the rice on the streets. on monday he addressed the nation where he said that he is proud about being able for argentine not to be able to have a budget surplus for the 1st time since 2008. he's very strict from saying that there needs to be as 0 deficit planning on this country when he blames for the i inflation that are doing tina has had for the past few years. she's popularity. however, and in spite of all this cuts that we've been seeing remains high, but certainly there was rising discontents of those rising discontents, especially among the middle class. and that's what you see in protest, such as this one, where you see that people see that they will continue to be on the suites. not totally protesting against the risk off of being public education or being of risk,
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but also how their lives have become much more difficult in the past few months with an inflation rate in this countries almost. we 100 percent in the past year. okay, thank you. so much today is it today. so by for us, the and bono site is, or at least 5 people, including a child have died while trying to cross the english channel from from so the u. k. the boat they will own, had been carrying more than $100.00 would be refugees and microns. the accident happened just dallas onto the u. k. problem and passed a controversial plan to st. migraines and refugees to were wanting to for processing. harry fawcett has moved from london in the i was off to britain, post a bill designed to deter these genies photo fullest boats squared. again, an action in the english channel despite the comm conditions, it already been a deadly day. at dawn, a small and sizable packed with a 112 migrants and refugees set off from this beach in front. officials say it had
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assigned bank close to show 5 people, including a young girl, died in the crush and confusion even after that the boat pressed on a 2nd and said that so now if the $57.00 people who are in the thing he stayed on board preferred not to be rescued, and they managed to start the engine again and decided to carry onto its great britain to make on the surveillance of the navy. the towns may i said, britain, its latest get tough legislation. notwithstanding, was responsible. the only big, the british of paying us stopped them, but they welcomed them. there was a problem at this level. i'm sorry, when they can have a bank account, they are given work without an employment contract. it's the economy in england. overnight the british government had finally forced through controversial legislation, allowing it to begin deporting asylum seekers to rwanda. now considered by law a safe destination to meet the act will prevent people abusing the law by using false human rights claims to blog removals. and it makes clear that you take
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parliament suffers for last year. the supreme court derailed the government's plans by saying deep ortiz safety, and rwanda could not be guaranteed refugee charities and un buddies and now accusing britain of shaking its duties. this new legislation seriously hinders the rule of law in the u. k. and it sets a powerless precedence globally. the governing conservatives trading in the poles and seeking a vote when a head of an election likely in the autumn, insists the 1st flights tawanda will start by the end of july. there are questions about the implementation of all this. the individual legal challenges against deportation that have bound to come, whether originally so not cool, got his projected regular rhythm of several people, taishan slides a month. and then if he does, will they do what he's banking on? will they did tell people from making the crossings in the 1st place? the evidence of his 1st day since the bill passed is that the motivation to get to britain is sofa undimmed. despite the dangers of these genies, and the sight of people taishan at the other end are useless. it,
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i'll just be around london. so there's plenty so late here on l just there including matching, to protect the culture and land because it was indigenous people of staging a 5 day protest and the capital and the constitutional to one of the opposition in tucker is denouncing changes to the country. supreme law, the the hello, the weather is pretty quiet now across much of us straight is still a few shows just around the top and just around the fall north of the cape your peninsula. and to show is to say, just remedies the side of queensland tending to fizzle out. we'll see what the weather sliding across the dates making his way towards the museum. so turning a little unsettled to it, but as he can say for much of us, it's fine and try. let's take a look at that and psych dice again,
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losey fide. and dr. cool start to die in that se and coolness 16 celsius for melvin . and for how about c, around 22, that might just be the odd rugs around that eastern side of that new south wells pulling away by friday that what's the weather then making his way across. i knew savings being a little more real time. no, but i think is we had to was lots of possible wake it should be lousy. settled little bit of fat with a cloud around now. the cloud and the thing about fair weather across southern parts of china. more weather coming in here we go. sized flood affected pos, uh what a system i may have from that extends its way into a good part of japan, some west to where the head for time as well pulling away from the korean peninsula, cream peninsula, dries up one top ones up to as you can see that full look at part of the japan $49.00 celsius in the china, northern plaza, china, down towards the south, the heavy rains per ton. the
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devastation finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's and leave the desperation, the living on a freedom is your life and did the stock reality of climate change in a rapidly sinking country. you have the problem to be the rest of the work and have it tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life before land. 300 years ago, the found is the full season the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the year. now, his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency. culminating in a disturbing, like the full months in south korea. this no pure of silver on al jazeera.
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the, you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top stores the sell choose to amount to 100 days since, as well. most it's for on guys with no sign if the attacks i'm facing with optus trips population has sold re few cheese in profit with israel's armies threatening and offensive pulled on city. $4000.00 palestinians have been killed since october . the 7th purchase over the war and cons. i have spread to a number of top us universities including jail, columbia, mit homage, hundreds of students have been arrested since friday. the white house is monitoring
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the situation closely in tens of thousands of purchases, a really across hodgin tina against government budget comes to education. countries president has slash state spending as the country struggles with the cost of living crisis and assistance to a european union member of parliament as being arrested on suspicion of what prosecutors say is an especially severe case spying for china. the suspect works for the far right policy alternative, the germany is accused of giving the chinese intelligence service information about negotiations and decisions in the european parliament. someone that kind of has more from fill in the facts of the case in so far as we know them all, that the individual, a german citizen who originally was a chinese nationally been working full. the leads candidates of the alternative to germany. policy in the european parliament in brussels, but also interesting why this individual was arrested a man in his thirties. what we know is that it is alleged that he has passed on
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information from the european prominence sensitive information of what has been talked about in europe and palm, but also accused of monitoring illegally chinese dissidents in this country was interesting is the fact that over the course of monday, we also heard that 3 other individuals in germany had been arrested again. the suspicion being that they had passed on sensitive information to the chinese authorities. in the case of the 3, it rested on monday, unrelated to the specific individual, the assistant for the member of parliament in brussels. this was military information sensitive, military, great information being passed on as not the case so far at least as well as we are aware regarding the amount arrested interest. and the reaction to it is very interesting. the chinese government dismissing it as a hype to try to attack china, the german government in the form of the interior administer saying represents a serious attack on german democracy. and we are wait to hear more information
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about what has happened. don't cain algebra, 0 bullying to the popular social media aspect talk could cindy bands and the us up to the house of representatives voted in support of the mission. the tick tock bill is part of a bigger package, which includes a few crying in other us allies. this is now in the hands of the us senate where it is likely to be passed as soon as lights are on tuesday. how did your castro has moved from washington dc? the us senate is debating this legislative package that was sent at $95000000000.00 for an aide. and as an add on, potentially vans tick tock from the us legislation already cleared the house and president bivens has expressed his support. ukraine would receive $60000000000.00, which that countries president has said would give him a chance of victory against russia. israel would receive $4000000000.00 to replenish its missile defense system and also received $9000000000.00 and
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humanitarian aid. additionally, taiwan and the endo pacific would receive $8000000000.00. now this for an 8 element has bipartisan support in the senate. the potential wrench that's been thrown in here is the possible ban on tick tock. american lawmakers have a long expressed concern that the chinese government could you take talk to spying on. it's a 170000000 american users, though there's been no evidence that's happening. the bill that's being debated now would give took talks, aging base parent company up to one year to celtic, talk to another company or the band from the us. congress is not acting to punish white dance, tick tock, or any other individual company. convers is acting to prevent foreign adversaries from conducting espionage surveillance. blind operations, farming, vulnerable americans. now tick tock has been asking us us users to contact congress
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to oppose this bill. encouraging them to claim their quote constitutional right to for the speech. a final vote on this measure that covers both the foreign aid and the possible tick tock band is expected in the coming hours. hydro castro alj a 0 washington, but typically in pays have approved a controversial new constitution that could definitely extends the hold on power. then yeah, thing by political dynasty support his site, it would tend to go into into a pile of entry democracy, but the opposition is cooling for protest. i mean while campaigning is under way ahead of legislative elections scheduled for next week. nicholas hoc has moved a small newspaper in togo is standing up to the most powerful dentist, dean africa. then using be family has governed to go for 61 years. members of parliament voted on a new constitution on friday. while the tax has not been made public journal is
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illnesses who says it would allow president phone yes in be to stay in the office in. definitely let's get rid of for guessing. the peacefully says when headline free political prisoners and give us back our right to protest says another inactive define into the country that does not tolerate the set lips of who is just the federal. i am talking to you with a few in the pit of my stomach. we are working on the restraint and substance of ship, but we have to keep going. dental's a tooth, a dma guessing they came to power in a coo in 1963 and ruled with an iron fist. thousands of dances would follow him around in portraits of him and his son fell. were plastered everywhere. when a demon died in 2005, both took over and introduced a multi party system of governance. simple additions, welcomed the latest constitutional amendments which include the president being elected not by the people but by m p's. and the removal of limits on terror was across the prison. what's new is more accountability,
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more stability and more representation. and the system enables a permanent dialogue between players. the changes come as totally as prepared to vote for new members of parliament. and the opposition fears this will provide the legal framework for guessing by the clean power. it's not with the democracy eh, elections and to go. is it kind of tools to keep the fall off fund eva is the, it's the way the holding the country while the united states says it's concerning. the constitutional amendments were made without public consultation. the west african body echo us has yet to comment. but there is rising criticism within to go against a family that for generations has rob, people of their voices. nicholas hawk elgin 0, was still a hit here on al jazeera choking outside. that's why environmental activists,
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the cooling for world one pence on all single use, plastic items and a mountain of waste in india is capital catch. as far as viewing toxic smoke and endangering the house of thousands.
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the in depth analysis of the day sidelines there's the failure to free the captive still being held by him asked how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes. witnessing yahoo is trying to stay indifferently as 5 minutes to the know the to state possibly else of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of ministry partners, and specifically russia inside story. on al jazeera of
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the, [000:00:00;00] the back in 2020, in the rise to create a vaccine for covered 90 mini drug companies. said they wouldn't this your legal battles with their bibles and the interest of getting shots out to the world before he is likely that will change the law. suits of who discovered was have begun. the us pharmaceutical company, magenta is so in gym and try to make it bond tick and london's i cause cooling, bike has more on what exactly is it stake? many of the concepts that made cobit 19 vaccines possible were around long before 2020. but 3 innovations that year helped develop the drugs for decades, scientists wanted to make a new class of vaccine that would use short length of genetic code instead of bits
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of an active virus, messenger r, and they are so called m r. and a would trick the body to make pieces of a virus which would then teach the immune system to defeat it. such a vaccine would be accurate, adjustable and safe. but early versions produced allergic reactions find just realized that could be avoided by replacing one chemical with another. it was a discovery that with later when a nobel prize, both madonna and pfizer biotech licensed that was step one. but i'm renee is fragile and it falls apart easily. so the companies built tiny capitals of that molecules to deliver. that was step 2. they then had to choose the best part of the coping 19 virus to target. and madonna had researched another respiratory disease called nurse, and they identified the spike protein which grabs onto human cells. they say pfizer biotech copied that approach to both companies deny any wrongdoing and save their discoveries, come from their own research. during a says,
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it doesn't want to stop phases, vaccine once royalties from shots that were sold in wealthy countries after march 2022, and that's potentially a lot of money. both companies, cobit 19 jobs, are sold for more than $100.00 per dose. 5 users generated nearly $38000000000.20 and $11000000000.00 the following year in the same period. but during those generated $18000000000.00 annually, $7000000000.00. the next all the players are working said field, of course they're working based on the same state of the art. so i'll just say the documents articles, and then at some point they may come up with some of the technology. and then it's the question, who has a file for the 1st, who has the ip and is able to enforce the 1st was that against others? one of the big future targets of m. r in a vaccine technology is in fact seen for the flu. a market that's expected to more
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than double over the next decade. but generally, angela has moved from the high course in london on the high, cool baffled between funds and the dinner. as the case has opened in london, the 1st part will focus on the technical aspects of the pace. and the 2nd part is focused on a promise that was made. and that is quite unusual in the world of pizza instigation in 2020, when the world was anxious to be waiting for a coven 19 vaccine in fall, the companies are rushing to produce one mcdonough floods to waive any rights defeats the investigation. saying that the priority was to find the companies to deliver the vaccine to the well, not to make money. but in march 2022, when it was obvious that size it by own tx vaccine was going to far out strip. the done is in terms of sales, but then amends it to that pledge and it's for us to this period that they are seeking damages. now it's expected in this trial, that size of biotech will argue that considering that the wells house opened,
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eyes ation didn't declared the end to the global health emergency until march 2023 medina had no right to amends that pledge when it did and that full cannot see damages. this trial is expected to run for the next 20 days, and we can expect a verdict in mid may and well, it is obviously a legal battle. it is in many ways a t all bustle. it's about recognizing which company will be the lead to an m o n a technology going forward, which will be even more lucrative in the future. try to answer that out as they're done. but kevin noon is an intellectual property lawyer based in the us. he says the case is the latest, the series of legal battles that companies are finding or by empowering i technology as it is very much for conventional patent law patent lawsuit which as your reporter said, who discovered it 1st to fall and pen application for it. first, we'll decide who is entitled to the royalties for this. and i'll mention that both companies have said,
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i mean majority since the plaintiff have said that they're not seeking an injunction. there's a parallel case in the united states. they're not asking anybody to stop making the vaccine, they're just saying how do a portion, the, the value of that. and the reality is that they think they're entitled to, you could when you s and losing the u. k, or vice versa. so the, it's just a global, it's a global sort of a of a work to try to figure out who deserves to get the royalties agent in nature's diction. because clearly, as i said, if you wouldn't in the us to get us sales are all to you could lose in the u. k. and not going anywhere else. you know, sales. i looked at the 2 european paths on the us patent lawyer, but i looked at the to a european pens. interestingly, they have one that is to the, the change in the actual structure of the molecule to make it less immune and genic so that you didn't have the negative reaction. the other is to the vaccine itself. interestingly, it was an earlier application, an earlier pence that doesn't mention sars coby to mention to other related ones.
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so be interesting to see, since every time you put your patent that risk by going into a court room, you can't, it can be invalidated. and then you don't have a pen. so i think that i would say that i can't handicap it, but i say they both have something which is at risk here. then you, you and report has found that i is your, was the world's most disaster, his region from climate and with a has, it's in 2023. the world's media logical organizations has floods installed in schools. the highest number of reported casualties and economic losses. and it wound that he wives of becoming more severe with nelson glass. he is threatening the regions future was a security spell at least 17000000 people in the southern chinese city. if she engine on high lives up to the government issued its highest store morning, the city is a major industrial have and has the world's both busy is continuing to pause. the
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flooding has forced more than 100000 people from the homes. katrina, you has the story of the car and building debris swept away by a flooded with a young one southern china. 300 soldiers had been sent to rescue people stranded their after powerful student slipped through the region. heavy rain damaged roads and triggered land slides. cutting off the accounts of water and electricity supplies in the megacity of jen, jen. 70000000 residents have been advised to stay home. authorities issued a red alert, highest warning officer streets can be of incentive flooded schools and businesses have been shot and some public transportation suspended elsewhere and come, don't provence. the rain has east and people are assessing the damage. flooded fields are all that's left of hong jingle and spun. the used to plan rise here,
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but now it's all flooded. flooded beyond repair. he said he genuine was among the hardest hit. these of heavy rain caused nearby rivers to burst their backs. forcing kim and his neighbors to take shelter under an overpass with the few possessions they have left within 110000 people has been relocated since the weekend. parts of in the north and boom done are also under water rescue. teams are scouring the city, searching for the 38000 people, still stranded, dozens for injured and needed to be lifted. tulsa battled the neighboring provinces of funky young c and who 9 are also on high. let a scientist, a climate change has cost seasonal stones to worsen and arise earlier with asia. one of the regions most affected likes of over me, katrina, you all to 0 that i just round of you and negotiations on the truth use the control plastic production is on the wind canada campaign to say plastic is choking out planners and the cooling for
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a world wide band on all single use items such as jewels, cops, bottles and bags. and denisia is one of the worlds with plastic pollution is just like a washington reports from an overflowing landfill sites. south of jakarta. indonesia is one of the worlds that talk contributors of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons of plastic waste each year. and it's at locations like where i am in default on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scale of what environmental groups called a plastic waste crisis in engine asia by the time board. so the prospect of the so much plastic waste here, you can find all kinds of plastic. oh, plastic bags and others. you can see those in the piles up the days of being here for many years. i know what you're looking at now is not a landfill. but of all the overflow from the nearby to pion landfill. now the garbage that has reached
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a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. and then this is just one of many landfills around the country that have reached or exceeded capacity mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. the most common plastic pollution in indonesia are single use sashes, which environmental groups say or small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button. entities as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in mechanism such as reducing marine plastic waste and also promoting recycling among the many communities entities. it has also expressed support for the global plastics, tracy, which is being discussed in canada this week. it is also expressed it's fuse that some countries may need it technological and financial support to ensure the smooth, the implementation of such an agreement. jessica washington, which is 0 dep. okay. indonesia, a job landfill on the outskirts of india's capital has cooled,
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fine unleashing of talks, a cloud of smoke across new delhi. and while the local authorities side they had managed to contain the place is the smoke that is raising growing health concerns hush them. oh, bar reports. one of indiana's largest mountains of rubbish is on fire. the landfill is the size of 40 football fields and the 65 meters to it's called fly on sunday. as temperatures for pharmacies say the blaze is now under control. but the residents in densely populated areas of new delhi concerned about it's toxic lounge of smoke. the rise of building and none of us are able to step out of the houses, the condition is so that the children end up crying. this isn't the 1st time a landfill has cooled fire during a heat wave. and the thick layer of smoke is causing breathing problems which we
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use $10.00 to $12.00 extinguishes and the situation is now under control as smoke issue will also be result soon. the landfills reach capacity in 2002, yet waste has continued to bile up polluting via and putting people lives in danger of pharmacies and the mounting pressure to find a permanent solution to india as waste problems in the gas, i'm going to use the landfills produce gas which induced as fire. so can you kind of what metal or what waste, which has been suppressed for too long, has the potential to generate sheets, which in turn leads to fuming gas that causes fire to break out. the routing bahati of jeanette to apologies dispensing itself from the crisis planning the states lead to was counting j. indian cities done more than $60000000.00 tons of waste each year environment of this war and of
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a national catastrophe. if this situation remains are resolved, i should my lunch is 0. a thousands of indigenous people have gathered during the present in capital for a 5 day purchase, defending the land and cultural rights. it's against multi site unfulfilled, promises 5 present louisa now so little of the silver to protect reserves and expel land. carabas from the territories indigenous tribes site. they had disappointed with the government and that's their rights cannot be negotiated when they can get a key. if has more from personally of the 1007 digit, as people here from across brazil, they have all cars demand. the main one wants to go with the field land, not only award the territories, but we've been protected. like behind me here. these are the people been facing a very serious situation. there rivers have been wounded with mercury by the legal
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miners. the government has tried to spell them from there as it did with the younger mom. if you were the special task force, it was set up and it's still going on trying to install $20000.00 minor, somebody on them on his territory. but they always come back. and people have been telling us that there is no structure, no kind of organizations that will make this herman is. so when the on the tours who's go when you're able to protect the life. so once they leave the minor lodgers, the poachers, they all come back. now, right now, these people here are standing in front of the congress. they want to make their voices for they also want more representation in the powers in the capital resilience, monica, and i guess i'll just be around for sylvia for that. so for me, tell them the cry for this news, my colleague for the budget, but i will be here in just a moment with much more all the days news,
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you can also go to the web site, that's l g 0 dot com to stay with us the a unique perspectives, denial is wild on 6 of the people share the history of the genocide without any research on hud voices. why is it the doctors don't get to have a site? and then if this is a medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british government for such a little time, the stream on now to 0 for us a call was of inside the people around the world. this has been going on for a number of our seniors, how to do the whole story going into the national perspective to try to explain to a local audience. how is this impact? see it like this is an important part of the world and how to do this very good. the bringing the news to the world from here, indonesia is building a new capital city. deep in the jungles of borneo, this is part of the original open across the nation. but not everyone supports the
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idea any i could pass along with them when we had, we see this as an authoritarian decision who's on the 101 east with deals indonesia using a mega sitting on out to 0. you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a caught to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy, revise wells and increases systems cost on request a sort of 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from i'm into the how to rubik language, world wide shade come out award for translation and international understanding of
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non c is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the $200.00 days of war is, rout shows no sign of ending the devastation of gaza. as more people are killed across the street. the play you're watching l g 0 live from jo. how with me for the back? people also ahead police in the us arrest dozens of student says, protest against the war on guys. i got a scene at universities across the country and are in argentina. teachers and


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