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tv   101 East Nepals Kung Fu Nuns  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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i have even to see things sometimes to name me and we would find it. we have a, we have constant, a auditor by our donors. i believe we are one of the most scrutinize the organization. most of the time when it travelling, you know, doing the bass country. i mean, it's kind of been member, henri and i set that up to 10 question. being asked to a government, going to oversee the budget, the debunk of the question related to on the law and the remaining one. it's across the rest of the world and the rest of the un or international in general. so we have been and we wouldn't consider to be open to extend an auditor here. you mentioned a monta or us. this is something different. this is an investigation investigation which requires by the way the corporation call for the member states.
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and i know that the boy alyssa is in contact with a route event, a member states to not to belabor the point, but the report itself mentioned. and here's the term external ordered by o i o s as one recommendation. that's why i was not worried about, but i, i kind of took on behalf of all of us as far as one is concerned. i'm happy to have the extended or data organized by a member states. we have it on the regular basis. so i have to see when the last one was terminated and well, more than happy to provide this information. thank you to lot, there's a fry and then dentist. thank you. so is there any sort of hatch for milan or b? is that how does networks report review report yesterday mentioned about 50 documentations among them? 8, concerning the envoy, secure in the new toner, teeth,
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all your separation into people cetera. but i would like to raise the question of the stuff, the shipment you have more than 1000 and the 5 areas you know, uh, 2 things you have no police force, you know me to 3 or no intelligence services. and i was gonna secure the these, the new throw to use for this establishment in a different areas. execute without the need for more money. and probably more people and the phrase, the also to another point which is how sure are you. you can complement your you can implement the recommendation without the cooperation of the international community, the host countries at the most and most importantly 0 which is calling for you to
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sit just a day. the endo have to actually unreal the this is the reason why we are regrouping now. the recommendation on us who right? he said some of these recommendation. we either require additional resources or we require the full, i would say, a corporation ship, all company come into my oldest countries all east when the member states. and this is a discussion that we wouldn't have with the relevant policies on that for the south in the include all sorts of question alpha facilities and some recommendation. the agency alone would not be able to fully implement. but we are committed to implemented by please us support the recommendation obviously pulled up not only
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for one that also for member stage the also for a whole country that also for on the stakeholders. how confident you're gonna get the cooperation from israel. i have difficulties to answer this question, but really hope that the recommendation would be honda. and if there is a collective will, we shouldn't make it happen. thank you. does it with us as a confidence, what did you find the dentist and let me start as a really sure those are with china central television here. hopefully you will have no difficulty transferred. my questions you just mentioned. all right. has never been ever under such attack. last week you were here during the security council if you were sitting side by side with these really investors, you were at least 40 facing the accusation. in the back of that time, what do you feel when he a key was on, was many things and then have you had to come indication with him?
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and 2nd, a follow up. since we have so many recommendation, 50 bring recommendations and you said you all cannot come and implement them, the whole fi site itself. do you have a timeframe of all of those recommendations? how when are you going to implement? maybe some of them. it's a face to implementation, kind of explain other twit. yes. to today stuff. it's a simple question. obviously. today we will be informing the members data on how we intend to proceed with the 8 set of recommendations. and we will, in the coming weeks in uh, you know, in a staged way its a rated way be more and more precise about the, the, the, the response on the ball and the results of being need it. but we want to kick off the process from that one. so you will be kept up regularly
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informed you know, one comment amount the last week we, i keep reminding that really intent behind the attack to offer on the war a. so for political nature, because it, because as an objective a, to see if a student from the risky states use to stop, please in gaza on the eastern is in the west bank. and basically, this is exactly what we held at the council from the east ready on by said that the indeed this is a state the objective of today. and this is also the reason why i want is just at this discussion needs to take place. now, among the members say so, so that we are all connectivity aware of what is really at stake if we
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let on the want be disappointed him guys. thank you. if i dentist and stuff, thank you so much with still. is there any, how would you describe now your relationship with the as rarely authorities? how was it going this relationship with them 1st and 2nd, to the 85 percent that you mentioned that are afraid that maybe this, these ferocious attacks are going to end up with unwrapped being dismantled. what do you think of them as the leader of this organization? thanks, one with a ton of them, basically is what we are undertaking right now. we are aware of what he's a tree isca, so we will leave no stone on town. and we wouldn't bring the conversation where he needs to be to avoid such a situation to unfold. and this is a little difficult. the demo show was a general assembly of a few months ago was the security council this week. and then we're looking at the,
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where is the next best avenue to shield the organization from just kind of a tech. basically. you know, here what would describe the relation of 1111 has a day to day relation with east sweeney. we are in schon to offer the title just to go in the commission on the dresser. for example, these require day to day relation. we use a co got to come to fall into a face injury or is it him? he's also in a day to day interaction with the east rodney maternity. now the only function which has no official relation was a ministry of find a is a content on here. i would makes a difference between my own relation all the relation between my function and do so . i go to a a dentist,
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substance abuse agency. do have any plans to make trips to cancers outside of middle east to region, maybe to convince donors or talk about the problems? do have any plans to make the trips outside the middle east to region? oh yes, constantly consent to the to ring. you're off, but just come back from the talk you. i will also meet very soon the soon the brick country is so basically guess it's not just submitting the stuff, but it's also reaching, reaching out to offer out of doing the some of the region concerning briggs countries do tend to be the treasure i planned to go to russia to visit the brake member. there was a meeting of the breaks under, i mean by to to talk to the big country. thank you. stephan own aspects,
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i don't know if i could just ask you the question on the front of our catalog for low achieving your kids on press to question one the to the withdrawal the the how do you have any message for the tiny and government to convince them to support again, right. and then uh, in this city and around the country in united states, students protesting all combined university. and they being accused of 5 being, some of that might be their case of being on disability. what do you think about those protests that do you have any advisors for those students? on the 1st question, i really hope that the e t. now that we have the report of captain cologne on the institute, the weird photo suit with the european country. and basically resume its
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funding to the organization. it is in full and not only for all, but actually i would say relation that the to the shows for the to go on the financial support of the agency. but also it to the, to the fulton country was into your opinion, opinion, and i think having a to the back also. we also have bn sports and some of the discussion we might have impressed central. it's very important and my messages, i'm ready to go to them any time hoping that the country wouldn't come back. now on the students. i just want to, i mean i have shed one message to the security council where basically i have said that the a piece process, per se, is not enough. what we need is heating. now i have been struck on to know that the input t in this part of the wall is the most of the time you need the actual it's input
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t on the for the palestinian a know, understanding where this, where they are coming from. and the trauma, october 7 has created in the country all day, and patty is completed, faithfully sweeney, was absolutely no empty for divided student. and i believe that this on the ability to express a new to him, but he is at the source of the, the musician of the conflict that we're witnessing on. i think a message which would also go for the student is a loan to on, to, to express compassion and empathy for the people in the region. because ultimately, we expect that that is where the unpublished opinion does leave. and these have to leave in peace, antiquity allen, and that will be the last question. sorry, because he has to go 2 minutes ago. thanks so much mr. was available. good thing
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from the i know it was thing use agency, could you please describe the destiny or those so suspended? well for how many people from on there? well, what will they do and are you ready shortly speaking? are you ready to re employ them? you? it comes out that they didn't commit to anything, because as, as of now you didn't get any proofs anyway. anyway, i think we, we will be guided by the advice of or usaa and if we requested or if i'm stuff keanta, we would certainly resend. i'll decision. so the short answer is yes. for the rest the, i don't, i, i don't know when now today. yeah, i can see the missing from thank you. if you're working with a 0, it is 16. 43 g m t has been bringing you coverage of
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a press conference being brought to by freely plus or do you need the commission in general of on rod the agency of the u. n, which provides relief and help to palestinians. and he was speaking for about 45 minutes or so. certainly 40 over 40 minutes. but a variety of subjects for duncan, predominantly about dawn was worked within a garza and he was talking about the impact so that these really war has had on itself formations. he talked about the blatant as he described, a disregard for on was stuff in facilities and demanded an independent into investigation into that you also gave a list of the damage of property and arrests of stuff. and the height of the operations had been disrupted. he spoke at significant length about the reports that have been provided by the former french for the minister, coughing cold enough and was published yesterday. addressing is rarely allegations with regards to on was operations on staff members in uh,
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working in gaza. and they are link allegedly, to what is real, how would you describe those terrorist organizations? those findings within that report had led to a result to that israel had failed to provide any supporting evidence that it was of its claims with regard to, to those employees. and also we've also, with also regards to certain other claims that just had made we are hoping to be able to talk to for the blogs or any in the next 45 minutes or so. but for now, we're going to move on to some other stories. not on the ground in southern gaza. civil defense teams save able to cover dozens more bodies from mass graves in the grounds of naso hospital. in con units 310 bodies are being fine. so far, probably couple of assume has more from rough during the day, you know, re worth the medical teams alongside with the civil defense crews working tirelessly in order to find new bodies at being buried in the grave. the odds of
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the hospital as we have been clad of recording really a very and cards of a write off. uh, bodies spinning berries inside this a medical facility. now we just did the medical team spanish to recover the 73 and looked at a dozens of bodies also have been recovered from that area. now we have seen hearing from the golf causes government media office stating that the majority of bodies were at a completely i have different signs of being blindfolded. and a number of them were wounded along the sides with elderly and closer women who have been taken from displaced location. and they have been shots and killed by the men to treat in that area. and they have been a very deeply into sound on the military had thrown bios of waste over just to completely not to show what the majority of genocide to act being carried out in the pots. and also the got goals and govern media. office has been saying that
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their bodies are still messing in different areas in the gaza strip as families are trying to search for their family, relatives and members in that area. um its a no clue justification being made by these very sites regarding these incidents. is there any managers reported to preparing to move, palestinians profit despite the drawing international condemnation run that semester reports from occupied east jerusalem. we know that today is rarely media has been reporting recently that the defense ministry adult has ordered some 10000 tents and is in the market for another 30000 and the defense ministry. these really government is told about creating humanitarian islands. so despite this incredible pressure, not only from the us, but also from other governments, particularly your opinion, governments that they will not support. a major military offense is offensive and wrap up until one of these varies to go ahead with it. these rarely government is determined to do it, and it's really because benjamin netanyahu,
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whose government is, will cabinet and have not yet achieved the objectives. and guns of those jumped objectives, being the destruction of how much and the release of hostages. lots of pressure domestically, particularly over the failure of the government so far to release hostages. there's lots of protests about that. i'm. the government believes that are still for how most battalions in ross so that most of how much is leadership is hiding in tunnels . deep on denise rafa and for all of these reasons, these really government says it is determined to go ahead with an operation in rafa because it wants to try and route to remove. how much, how much is the ability to operate in god's you know, if it was being held for the palestinian non killed by his very forces in jericho. the 44 year old was a father of 3. his death springs, the number of palestinians killed in the occupied westbank since october, the 7th to $487.00. another 3 people were injured by as ready. gun fired during
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raids and refugee camps in jericho. and tuesday morning. the modern gaza has led to world wide solidarity process with palestinians. students with us universities of alexis to make themselves heard slate on monday. police arrested a 133 people. at a sitting demonstration to new york university. there were similar scenes at yale were more than 40 demonstrators were charged with the trust bossing after defying orders to leave for. since to me is that new york university. well, behind me is the plaza where the demonstration occurred last night. where those people, students and teachers were arrested by new york police, you can see there's one person back there holding aside. mostly we have students coming and going on their way to class today. but if you hand over, you can see that huge barricades have been set up. there's a heavy security presence in the plaza there and they're actually building a wall of plywood is being erected to block off this plaza. we're at new york
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university, which is very much a city university. unlike some of the demonstrations that you've seen at the ivy league schools like columbia and gale, where the campus has very enclosed and blocked off to the public. this one sits right in lower manhattan. so it's very much in the middle of the city while the scene is calm here, there's still much debate on going at new york university, and kansas is all around the united states. and here in new york as well, this demonstration pops up in solidarity with the columbia student protesters who are rested a 10th city, a little in cabin on their campus last week, and then were arrested over a 100 students. there were arrested as well. and they're, as here,
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we've seen faculty also coming out to sending students, right. so peaceful protests, those protests that colombia are continuing today. and we're hearing about new and stopping, not popping up around the country as well in pittsburgh, in boston, in the south. so it's certainly not an isolated incident here, and students vowing here and elsewhere to keep up their demonstrations and keep up the fight the, you know, the world news, at least 5 people, including a child of died world right across the english channels in funds to the u k. a small boat, they may not have been carrying more than a 100 would be refugees. bikers. a bodies bought a force to volunteer boat carried several people to shore or furniture for the state. they rescued at least 47 others. how the faucet has more from london,
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a pretty terrible incident that took place just very close to the french shore line . very soon after this boat packed full of people, its unusually densely packed, smooth boat french authorities say a 112 people on board. and that during these initial moments, there was some kind of a crush on board. and 5 people died as a result among them, a young girl really serve the results of her father having watched to die. and she is on the beach shown here. so it's a french already saying that $47.00 were rescued from the boats, and these are some of the sea around it. they said some 50 wanted to continue. the journey to be here take on the naval escorts has been reported and that gives you a sense of the evaluation of desperation areas to make these journeys in the face
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of such stranger. this was on a calm day when there was a number of such ca, inches from the french coast line. the prime minister receives through not being honest about this in relation to the passage of the bill of the night. and he said that the results of his more tragic death suit of the channel this morning. i think it's a reminder of why offline is so important because there's a certain elements of compression about everything that we're doing in which he means trying to scope these journeys and destroy the business model is, is government. what's it of the people smugglers? how would this be the opposite views and the rest of the council? a charity here in the you k, which says that rather than, as you headline grabbing hostile policies such as the rolanda plan, the u. k. government should instead be seeking to ensure that there is safe and legal roots and better systems for dealing with assault and applications that are currently in place. thousands of vigilance people have gathered in the brazilian
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capital for a 5 day protest of defending their land on cultural rights. it's against what they say is, presents lewis and nephew, and loaded the silver unfulfilled promises to create reserves and expel land droppers from the territories. indigenous tribes said they're disappointed with the government under their rights cannot be negotiated. monica, and i have, has more from the capitalism yet there. thousands of indigenous people here from across for sale, have all come to demand. the main one is wants to go with the field land, not only award the territories, but we've been protected. like behind me here, these are the people been facing a very serious situation. there rivers have been wounded with mercury by the legal miners. the government has tried to spell them from there. as it did with the money people were special task force was set up and is still going on trying to instill
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$20000.00 minor somebody on the money territory. but they always come back and people have been telling us that there is no structure, no kind of organizations that will make this harmon is going to be on the georgia. so when you're able to protect the life, so once they leave the minor lodgers, the poachers, they all come back. now, right now, these people here are standing in front of congress. they want to make their voices for they also want more with presentation in the powers in the capital resilience, monica, and i guess i'll just be around for sylvia. at least to 17000000 people in the southern china institutions and are on high alert after the government issued its highest storm warning. the city is a major industrial hub and the world's 4th busiest container. port flooding has forced more than a 100000 people from their homes with as of sizes. still stranded katrina,
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you reports. the car and building debris swept away by a flitted with a young one southern china. 300 soldiers had been sent to rescue people stranded their after powerful student slipped through the region. heavy rain damaged roads and triggered landslides, cutting off the towns, water and electricity supplies. in the megacity of jen, jen. 70000000 residents have been advised to stay home. authorities issued a red alert, highest warning officer streets can be of incentive flooded schools and businesses have been shot and some public transportation suspended elsewhere. and from don't provence, the rain has east and people are assessing the damage. flooded fields are all that's left of the long jingled spot in the used to plan rise here, but now it's all flooded. flooded beyond repair. to city tiguan was among the
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hardest hit days of heavy rain caused nearby rivers to burst their backs, forcing him and his neighbors to take shelter under an overpass. with the few possessions they have left within 110000 people has been relocated since the weekend. parts of in the north and going down are also under water rescue. teams are scouring the city, searching for the 38000 people, still stranded, dozens for injured and needed to be lifted. tulsa battled the neighboring provinces of funky young c and who 9 are also on high alert. sign to say climate change has cost seasonal stones to worse and, and to rise earlier with asia, one of the regions most affected by global warming, katrina, you all to 0 are now 101 east is next to now to 0. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more and all these stories that don't forget of course you can get a lot more information, background details and pictures as well on the website. obviously the com. i'm
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rolled matheson stay with us on the now scientists, the primates remain crucial for biomedical research. the but some of being given new lives beyond the board on the outskirts of virus is nothing in the century for all kinds of found a move, including those ones used in scientific research. the century houses 22 retired lab monkeys from across europe. this female recess, mcgarr cause can survive 19 years of experimentation in french labs. she was the 1st lab funky to be given a new form at lot, then. yet indonesia is building a new capital city. deep in the jungles of borneo,
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this is for the original from across the nation. but not everyone supports the idea of me. i get that someone would definitely have. we see this as an authoritarian decision who's on the 101 east where deals indonesia using a megacity on out to 0. 1 of the biggest selections of 2024 in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment swaying, focused in key states? and will the media be able to cover the vote freebie and fairly ongoing coverage, but in the, as an actions on out as the era 300 years ago, the found is the full season the celebrated the natural world in stages of the year . now his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency. culminating in
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a disturbing like performance in south korea. this nokia or of silver on al jazeera the . ready to 100 days of war, israel shows no sign of ending the violence in gaza as it's warmed about the armies pond ground defensive in rough on the road, madison and this is all just even like them to have also coming up. not so rest to students as protests and solidarity. there's palestine spread across us, universities. 5 people drive them, trying to get to the u. k. just all is opposite. the government pos is a controversial largest and migrants and refugees sort of london and running to
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protect their culture. and land preserves indigenous peoples. a staging of.


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