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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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i was just there to understand why we must experience life through not designs, discover the stories forgotten. we spent alone in the past due to the voices drowned out by the witness on which is there the, the, the hello i'm robot this. and this is the news, our life from joe. i'm coming up in the next 16 minutes to 100 days of war. israel shows no sign of ending the violence in joshua as it's warned about the armies, find the ground defensive in rafa. and i'm person salumi in new york where over a 100 teachers and students were arrested the latest and across town on pro
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palestinian protestors college campuses here in the united states. fire people driving trying to get to the u. k. just hours after the government process, a controversial law to send migrants and refugees to the one on marching to protect their culture and deadlines, brazil's indigenous peoples, a staging, a 5 day protest in the capital and sport inter have one the it's holly and sorry, a title maybe rivals ac milan to one to claim the tropi for the 20th time in their history. the 15 g m t. we're going to begin in gaza where israel's war isn't it? the 2 hundreds, a day more than the 34183 promised indians have been killed since october, the 7th thunder. no signs of the violence ending in the central parts of the strip
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is really air strikes. targeted on the senate refugee camp. it is in the north and the sides have also being hit of the i know we assessing our role as the, as mediators. we need serious commitment by all the sites to reach a deal. and secondly, attacking the mediator does not show commitments, does not show seriousness and does show a lack of enthusiasm and positively engaging in the mediation process. and this is what we're getting at right now, especially from, i would say the counting fox. uh, those ministers i've made these claims to end this conflict, the only way to guarantee the security of the people is on both sides of the only way to and the mexican and the bloodshed that is taking place right now in the 11th and without the belief in the 4th a set itself, i feel that it would be very difficult for the mediators to accomplish a doubt. whether you run the search, the incessant attacks of damaged or destroyed 60 percent of homes in gaza and
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devastated the health care system. it's also one that the entire population is facing acute food shortages. and there are reports of israel tends to relocate civilians from rafa before it's growing defensive. us and the you and a warning against as 1500000 displays, palestinians are sheltering in the southern city. civil defense team say they would have covered dozens more bodies or mass graves in the grounds and also hospitalized con eunice in southern garza, $310.00 bodies have been some fine so far. witnesses say some of the victims were killed during the is really siege of the hospital. so the defense officials say hundreds more are buried in the medical complex b, u. n. is calling for an independent investigation. we are horrified also by the destruction of a necessary medical complex and as she saw medical complex and the reports of the discovery of mass graves in and around facilities, we call for independent effective,
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transparent investigations into the depths is given the prevailing climate. impunity. this should include international investigators, hospitals are entitled to very special protection under international humanitarian law. and let's be clear, the intentional killing of civilians, detainees, and others who are of the combat is a war crime. a ton of coal booms. joining us now live up from or off, i'll tell you what more them, you know about the discovery of more bodies. well, that is, if that happens. in fact, if in the, during the fed that you know, right, we're the medical teams alongside with the civil defense crews working tirelessly in order to find new bodies at being buried. indeed, great. the odds of the hospital as we have been clad the records in really a very and cards of a write off uh, bodies printing periods inside this a medical facility. now we, yes, did that, you'd be medical to spanish to recover the 73 and looked at the dozens of bodies
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also have been recovered from that area. now we have seen hearing from the golf causes government media office stating that the majority of bodies were at a completely, i have 2 different signs of being blindfolded. and a number of them were wounded on sides with the arms thing. so women who have been taken from displaced location and they have been shots and killed by the men to treat in that area. and they have been a very deeply into sound on the military had thrown in bios or waste over it just to completely not to show what the majority of genocide to act being carried out in the pots and also the got golf. government media office has been saying that their bodies are still messing in different areas in the gaza strip as families are trying to search for their family, relatives and members in that area. um its a no clear justification being made by these by the side regarding these incidents
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and intact, we're going to get an update on for these really ministry's been saying from our corresponded bernard smith in a moment just while i've got you there. just talk us through the, the latest that we know about the strikes that we've been happening over the last several hours or so the, well, we have been records including justification kind of a study attacks. of course, the gaza strip in particular engine over at pos squared the military had what would the residence of bake law here town to you've got to wait some such a influx. the know that to be away from areas of operation as they are about to launch a new minutes. reparation that but it's worth mentioning that these areas, the minutes we had operated into testing the entire another cause of the cause of stripping to a graveyards and the file of death 3. just as the majority of residential houses being partially or completely destroyed. and yet, it reflects the collapse of the strategic respective front, but by the is by the side regarding operations in the north as they have been
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saying that the managed to many tally, controlled in other costs. and now we have witnesses, may expand of the financing of the middle areas. now the ministry has been intensifying and running on the military and also to be attacked in the eastern part of derek. but our home side was another agent with a rock refuge account. we were dozens of injuries today, have been transferred to the hospital to receive medical treatment. and now here in the south, the buzzing of the mental to drone. just keep going on the ground as people are witnessing unexpectedly, attacks to be carried out. we did it coming out as in the very densely populated area in the far southern most 60 here in the, in the rough off. yeah. to every we can hear of course here the drones as you're talking to this topic for no, thank you very much indeed. let's go to a correspondent, unoccupied, east jerusalem bernard smith. so the blame for these bodies being found at the hospital they seem to be placed directly with is really military. yeah, certainly as far as the guys of thought is, are concerned. what is the, is really ministry saying about all of this?
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the israel's military is pushing back forcefully against allegations, suggestions that is responsible for these mass graves in gauze and they put out a statement today on the pass of a holiday. they said that they had zoomed bodies to try and find, try and see if any of them with the bodies of is riley hostages. they said that the claim of the idea buried palestinian bodies is baseless and on found it. and they said the bodies were tons to where they were buried after examination. and these rarely manage it goes on to say that the examination was carried out, respectfully on maintaining dignity of the deceased ro. let's talk about this a, this plan, but he's really ministry to move into a interview off. but we've heard that there are plans upon they to try to move uh, civilians out of the area. what is the is really military talking to talking to about this operation. i
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know nothing of official yet about how any rough or operation will turn out, except we keep hearing the determination of these rather government to go ahead with one. we know that today's rarely media has been reporting recently that the defense ministry, adult has ordered some 10000 tons and is in the market for another 30000 and the defense ministry. these are the government is told about creating humanitarian islands. so despite this incredible pressure, not only from the u. s, but also from other governments, particularly your opinion, good ones that they will not support. a major military offense is offensive in rough or under one of these rarities to go ahead with it. these rarely government is determined to do it, and it's really because benjamin netanyahu is government is, will a cabinet and have not yet achieved the objectives in god. so that was the jump to objectives, being the destruction of how much and the release of hostages. lots of pressure domestically, particularly over the failure of the government. so far to release hostages.
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there's lots of protests about that. and the government believes that are still full. how much battalions in ross so that most of how much is leadership is hiding in tons deep on denise rafa. and for all of these reasons, these really government says it is determined to go ahead with an operation in russia because it wants to try and route to remove how much, how much disability to operate in gods. but as smith, unoccupied, east jerusalem burnett, as always, thank you very much indeed. well, the funeral is being held for the palestinian man killed by his very forces in jericho. the 44 year old was a father of 3 deaf springs and number of palestinians killed in the occupied westbank since october, the 7th, to $487.00. and now the swede, people were injured by his really gun 5 shooting raids and refugee camps in jericho on tuesday morning. and is there any droll strikes, killed at least one person in self 11 on the vehicle,
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and the son of i told him about 50 kilometers be root is there any army says the to august was a member of his ball of lebanese on group as long as the and such in retaliation is really military and has all that. i've been exchanging fight across the border since october, across the board of fighting between israel and the lebanese group because of all that has been growing in intensity. it's just place to tens of thousands of people on both sides of the border. they know how to join to un peacekeeping troops shooting 711 on to see the costs of the war. are the signs of war are visible almost everywhere along lebanon's border with isabel? this is a front line where there's little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help its ally from us in casa, most of israel strikes have been focused on an area about 5 to 10 kilometers from the border now we are crossing the mark of the gun. see there's riley person
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position from here where i'm moving close to the blue line. and who knows when uh, sharing or i know yes like is going to happens. we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force, in southern lebanon, on their own patrol with lebanon's army. their mission is to ensure the area from the border to the latania river is free of arms and fighters outside the states control. we are here to support the levi nice army on the leave as the lead on these government to take control of the, of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, and despite thousands of strikes, israel has failed to push the groups fighters back the you enforce has repeatedly warrant that the danger of escalation is real. of the. yeah, we're looking for the,
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you know, the, the food this isn't air strikes. so we're looking for the, this the, how can we prevent this is collisions. so after this, uh, moving it on, dealing with that searching for the police where we can have the same. few people remain here, nearly 100000 lebanese have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border. this is the cost of war, official say, losses are already in the billions of dollars, although the concept is still large with contained and confined to the, for the region. as well as, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then, because as well as threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve center for their elders either. so there's nothing on a lot and guys has led to world wide solidarity protests with palestinian. the
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students that us universities are the latest to make themselves hired. i don't. monday police arrested a 153 people. the recipient demonstration in new york university. that was similar, seems like you buy more than 40 demonstrators would charge with trespassing off to define orders to leave for system is joining us now from new york university campus . i can see that you can see some of the protesters, i think behind you there. what's going on there for the yes, well, behind me is the plaza where the demonstration of heard last night, where those people, students and teachers were arrested by new york police, you can see there's one person back there holding assign. mostly we have students coming and going on their way to class today, but if you've hanover, you can see that huge barricades have been set up. there's a heavy security presence in the plaza there and they're actually building
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a wall of plywood is being erected to block off this plaza. we're at new york university, which is very much a city university. unlike some of the demonstrations that you've seen at the ivy league schools like columbia and gale, where the campus is very enclosed and blocked off to the public. this one sits right in lower manhattan, so it's very much in the middle of the city. while the scene is calm here, there is still much debate on going at new york university, and kansas is all around the united states in here in new york as well. this demonstration pops up in solidarity with the columbia student protesters who arrested a attend city, a little in cabinet on their campus last week, and then were a rest that overall 100 students there were arrested as well. and there,
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as here, we've seen faculty also coming out defending students' rights to peaceful protests . those protests that colombia are continuing today, and we're hearing about new and shopping up, popping up around the country as well in pittsburgh, in boston, in the south. so certainly not an isolated incident here, and students vowing here and elsewhere to keep up their demonstrations and keep up the fight. i was reading that many, i do say many of the protests have been peaceful, but nevertheless, a lot of jewish students, or a certain segment of the jewish community within the universities, said that they had felt a 2nd. what is the reaction from the universities themselves? the yes, and that's what the university administrators are saying here at n y u. they said that the arrest didn't have to happen. that day. were
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opposed to the demonstrators being in the plaza because they were disrupting the access to the classes. and they were disrupting university operations, and they said that when the students refused to leave and actually teachers came out to protect them that the rhetoric got anti submitted, that people were threatened that the atmosphere was 10. this is flatly denied not only by students, but by universities professor association of professors who put out a statement saying that there was no breach. i shouldn't say that the university said that non student, non, and why you protesters, people who did not have 2 ideas for also in the camp in the plaza. they are the
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professors say that didn't happen. these were n y u students and faculty. furthermore, they said there was no anti semitism, no intimidation except 5, b, n y p 1st and thank you very much indeed christmas and then we took it as in new york city university campus. the at least 5 people, including a child, had died while i'm trying to cross the english channel from funds to the u. k. the small boats they belong had been counting more than a 100 would be refugees and migrants. a british bought a force volunteer boat, carried several people to shore, while french authorities say they rescued at least $47.00 others with the disaster, half and dollars off to the u. k. parliament deposit the so called ro one, the bill. that's the government's controversial plan to process migrants and refugees offshore. are you false? it has more from london,
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a pretty terrible incident that took place just very close to the french shore line . very soon after this boat parks full of people. it's a unusually densely packed small boat, a french authorities say a $112.00 people on board. during these initial moments, there was some kind of a crush on board. and 5 people died as a result among them. a young girl really serve the results of her father having watched or die, and she is on the beach shown here. so it's a french already saying that $47.00 were rescued from the boats, and these are some of the sea around it, but did some 50 wanted to continue the journey on to the you take on the naval, less school insights being reported. and that gives you a sense of motive ation. if not desperation, there is to make these journeys in the face of such danger. this was on
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a calm day when there were a number of such ca, inches from the french coast line. the prime minister receives through not being honest about this in relation to the passage of the bill of the night. and he said that the results of his more tragic death suit of channel this morning. i think it's a reminder of why offline is so important because there's a certain elements of compression about everything that we're doing in which he means trying to scope these journeys and destroy the business model was, is government, what's it of the people smugglers? how would this be the opposite views and the rest of the council charity here in the you k, which says that rather than us you headline grabbing hostile policies such as the rolanda plan, the u. k. government should instead be seeking to ensure that they're safe and legal roots and better systems for dealing with the site and applications that are currently in place. like that one day is the representative of the united nations
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high commissioner for refugees and orlando. she's joining us now from chicago. they thank you very much indeed for being with us. what's your reaction to this bill that the u. k. government has finally, after many months been able to pass yes. thank you for having me for your nature has really consistently convey our deep concern about the extra life nation assignment will be nations. and the soonest weeks is suppose is for refugees, and you will need to find the u. k. what that's going to be in consistent with the global southern directory and responsibility sharing and in breach of the 1951 refugee convention. i'm going to tell the main concern that the introduction of the legislation and the company treats you may not in practice overcome the football risks in the absence of the why the changes are huge structures, procedures,
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attitudes and understanding in one of the i think rather than the dissolution will restrict the u. k. got from the property scrutinizing the more decisions, leaving the side of seekers. we did a very narrow avenue of appeal, even if they face significant risk, including by especially authorizing the u. k. government to disregard any entering remedies from the european court of you on the right. i think it requires decision makers and just to conclusively treat vonda as based country in terms of progressing outside of the sea coast from being returned to a place of danger. regardless of any evidence to the government, to the country. and now in the future, i think units, y'all continues to car for products and workable identities to the one of the teams in the spirit. and we didn't the framework responsibly to chevy, which lies at the corner of the convention. you're going to got it, which is of course, i think of the capital of rolanda. what's your understanding of the kind of conditions that people are going to face? should they be transferred?
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there it was. it's difficult to say, i think that this is something that we need to to, to access what i know right. not is that uh who you a lender has is 5135000 refugees. uh, that's a lot of people and most of them are living in chance for many years. the majority of them are refugees from neighboring countries for granted protection in a pretty my question basis. i. so we understand that also the government has made available uh, optimizations in he got a 4 digit number of, of people that can be transferred initially. but uh, we cannot say more than that because we need to be waiting for the uh, but take to this uh, arrangements that have been put in place. and i, i do, i, i do understand that as you say you're, you've not been party to it, but i, i'm interested to know, given the fact that you are there,
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if you have an understanding also of the kind of freedoms that people might be a load when they do, if and when they do get to writing jolanda in terms of the ability, for example, to find work or the ability to be covered by health care, for example. it was, i see that brenda is a country that is hospitable. i really agree, i'm not the biggest frameworks for kind of to the records that i've been here as i sit for the past 20 years. we are having a pharmacy all inclusiveness. but one that also is facing is on time. and just because we try to just make countries in the region and globally, so i don't know exactly what kind of a specific opportunity that would be open for them to find jobs going minutes or even uh to, to have to have access to waste fair that is something that we need to, to wait to see right now. it's not really clear what has the book that measures for
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them to access at all those i or those measures all of those needs for a better situation than where, where they go from. i so doing the, we appreciate you being with us and i'll just do them. i'm thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you for having a system to european union member of parliament has been arrested on suspicion of what prosecutors affair say is an especially severe case of spying for china. the suspect was for the far right alternative for germany party is accused of giving the chinese intelligence service information about negotiations that decisions in the european parliament. 3 other people have also been arrested for spying for china. beijing has rejected espionage claims, as a hype. so i'm gonna king has more from berlin the facts of the case in so far as we knows them of that to the individual, a german citizen who originally was a chinese national, have been working for the lead to count. as i said, the alternative to germany policy in the european parliament and brussels,
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but also interesting why this individual was arrested a man in his thirties. what we know is that it is alleged that he has passed on information from the european permanent sensitive information of what has been talked about some european palm, but also accused of monitoring and legally chinese dissidence in this country was interesting is the fact that over the course of monday, we also heard that 3 other individuals in germany had been arrested again. the suspicion being that they had passed on sensitive information to the chinese authorities. in the case of the 3 arrested on monday, unrelated to the specific individual, the assistant for the member of parliament in brussels. this was military information sensitive ministry, great information being passed on as not the case so far, at least as well as we are aware regarding the amount arrested interest. and the reaction to it is very interesting. the chinese government dismissing it as a height to try to attack china. the german government in the form of the interior
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administer saying represents a serious attack on german democracy. and we are wait to hear more information about what has happened. donat cane al jazeera bullen is 17000000 people in the southern china institution, sent out on high alert for the government issued its highest storm warning. the cities a major industrial hub, and it's got the world's 4th busiest container. port flooding has forced more than a 100000 people from their homes, with tens of thousands still stranded katrina. you reports a car and building debris swept away by a flooded with a young one southern china. 300 soldiers had been sent to rescue people stranded there after powerful students with this region. have you rain damaged roads and for good land slides. cutting off the towns, water and electricity supplies. in the megacity of jen, jen. 70000000 residents have been advised to stay home. authorities issued
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a red alert, highest warning officer streets can be of incentive flooded schools and businesses have been shot and some public transportation suspended elsewhere. and from don't provence, the rain has east and people are assessing the damage. flooded fields are all that's left of hong jingle and spawn and i used to plan right here, but now it's all flooded. flooded beyond repair to city tiguan was among the hardest hit days of heavy rain caused nearby rivers to burst their backs, forcing him and his neighbors to take shelter under an overpass. with a few possessions they have left within 110000 people has been relocated since the weekend. parts of in the north and going down are also under water rescue. teams are scouring the city, searching for the 38000 people, still stranded, dozens for injured and needed to be lifted. tell spilled the neighboring provinces
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of funky young c and who 9 are also on high alert. signed to say climate change has cost seasonal students to worse and, and to rise earlier with asia, one of the regions most affected by global warming. katrina, you all to 0. so head on all does it i was hoping our planets why and bottom. i'd like to this calling for a world wide fund on hold single use time games for the pleasure of using lists for the funding, an da chances are to nothing lead and their payoff saves the the hello. let's have a look at the weather across to south america, and we'll start in a very south, because we've got
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a trailing weather system that's bringing most showers in storms to southern pots, all brazil in northern argentina, and paraguay over the next few days for the south of this, it is cooler, it looks dry, but we've got to win the conditions and some cold conditions coming into patagonia, 7 pots of chilly, sing some west to whether there as well. it remains very wet so close to north of brazil is very west of course, much of the northern parts of south america just in fly conditions coming in for rio de janeiro. but it's a story of heat across that central band. once again, as we go tuesday into wednesday, we'll see a pretty dramatic increase in the temperature the for us and sean 10 degrees celsius. we should be around 30 degrees will be $139.00, and heat is a dominant feature across the central america and the caribbean. especially for mexico, we saw things cool down slight was some of that range temperature will be on the off again. places that monterey and mexico city seen in luxury rise there on wednesday is much west uh for the south of this. with some heavy falls for costa
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rica as well as panama rains shari, across the caribbean with heavy rain and has been you know, the, the latest news as it breaks the doctors to say the witness to killing knew exactly where to with detailed coverage. everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas from the hall to the story. these attacks are taking place also was had a city in part on the roads, making it very dangerous for them to commute from one place to another. the devastation finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's unbelievable desperation then leaving on
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a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapid lease thinking country. we have the problem today. the rest of the work will have it tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life before land the ordering order 0 reminder of i to of so is this are in spring $200.00 days since it was war guys for gas in the central parts of this trip is where the air strikes targeted on the set of truck and you count the wounded have been taken to all locks the hospital for treatments. is there any armies killed at least $34118.00 st palestinians since october. the 2nd guys are civil defense during se favorite
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covered dozens more of bodies from us. graves on the grounds of loss of hospital yukon units, 210 bodies being funds so far more than a 100 and some people have been arrested at new york university overnight. they will take you pause and assist him from testing some, a dollar to thomaston in dozens of student demonstrations, of also being arrested a deal university in the state of connecticut. with the latest wanted you and negotiations and opportunities to control plastic production is underway in canada . campaign and say plastic is choking our planet and our calling for a world wide bon old single use item such as stalls cups, buffaloes and bias, but the federal chemical industry on oil and gas export as of pushing back on an vitamin editor. nick clock explains a yes, plastic is everywhere from the claims we with how food is packaged. and even the
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micro plastics found in the deepest part of our oceans view and says $400000000.00 tons of plastic waste is produced every year. about less than 10 percent is recycled and $14000000.00 tons ends up in the world's waterways. yeah. after yeah. of to yeah. then that is the health impacts for every living thing including us. when do you think about it every single day? we're in contact with plastic and so every single setting and all daily lives are you know, where, where in plastic with breathing plastic with eating plastic. now what the licensed reset just showing is that, that's pasta can breastmilk, that's tough to conflict dentist. so it's become this completely inescapable toxic problem that impacting every single person, even if you have the best intentions to avoid using plastics and use someone who chooses the lifestyle while you try to avoid it. it's simply not possible to avoid the health impacts of plastics at this stage. do not have a shift scale of single use. plastics is mind boggling type things contained as the
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lighting in 2022, as estimated the world use 1.5 trillion, single use prostate buffalo, some cups. think of it 1.5 trillion. one yet use ones just chucked away. but remember, not old plastic is bad. here's the u. n. n a. and as we all understand, by the way that we need plastic, we needed in light of vehicles of foster trains lighter and windmills in shipping. so this is not a sort of antique plastic treaty, but it is very much and into plastic in the environment treaty. and we need to understand the most of that which ends up in the environment to single use and shortly. so now there's a big push out the towards to radically and definitively count back on the amount of plastic reduced in the 1st place, the funds on single use plastics and so many different kinds of things. the plastics would be one of the key things that the treaty can do from writing a transition to reuse for pat and refill. essentially trying to transition us to
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a kind of safer more secular economy would be an ultimate goal of the tracy. and that's really at the core of how the treaty is being designed at the moment. but not everybody agrees. plastics and made from petra chemicals and oil and gas exporters attending the tools. say we should focus more on recycling and eliminating waste and could be production. it looks that to be a bruising week of negotiations in the effort to clean up plastic pollution before we head to the final round of talks in november the director of strategic initiatives at oceana. it's the largest international advocacy organization dedicated solely to ocean conservation. she's joining us live from dublin. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. nick was just telling us the 14000000 tons of plastics making his way into the world's waterways every single year. now we're talking about the un negotiations that are going on. but how do you fix the stuff that's already in our water as well?
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so that's the big problem. i mean, plastic is killing our oceans, that it's killing our planet. it's obviously already in our ocean, but we think it's very important not to focus on on the clean up efforts. so we need to focus on stopping the production. we need to focus on stopping the topic from getting into our oceans in the 1st place. and that's really important in the treaty negotiations, in particular that we're, we're focusing on upstream solutions like reducing plastic with production in the 1st place and, and switching to reuse system rather than focusing so much on, on collecting outside from the ocean and recycling. you know, if you've already to think about a tub overflowing with water, you wouldn't 1st know and grab the mock. you would want to turn off the top 1st. so
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the mock is, is recycling. that's the thing of effort we need to focus on on turning off the top . we need to focus on plastic reduction and, and switching to other packaging systems like reusable packaging instead of single use. the numbers are astonishing when it comes to this is make, was mentioning 1.5 trillion single use items used and thrown away on an annual basis. but one would imagine a lot of influence on whether or not these changes are going to come from the public. is there any evidence that there is a change in public attitude and public demand for it, particularly single use plastic items? i think there's a fear emerging and talk like, i mean you've seen the headlines that i've seen that we've all seen about the potential health impacts the plaster can have. so i think that there is, um there is there a growing concern over that? obviously, in addition to their concern over our environment, and i do believe it's just
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a matter of time before the public starts turning against a single use plastic and looking for alternatives. and our aim as an environmental non profit is to to see about transition happened faster because the damage has already been done. and if you know that it's only we, we need to move quicker so that we don't have more plastic in our ocean that it becomes more and more difficult to remove. this is not a problem that is new. this has been known about for many years and it's been growth out and so many environmental conferences and debates. and of course at the u. n. as well over many years as somebody who is very focused on the impact of plastics, particularly in the waters of the world. do you and your colleagues get frustrated at a slow pace of change that we're seeing? yes, that is probably the, the biggest frustration were very helpful in the future. i think we,
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we have to move away from plastic. that is going to happen. we do see solutions that we can move towards. and it's just, as i said, you know, it's, it's, it's a matter of, of timing. we need to move quicker, which i said that we don't leave more devastation in our oceans. and other environments from the plastic waste that we leave behind. and an example of a solution is, is i've mentioned that a few times now reusable packaging in the battery sector in particular, this is something that already exists at scale. so for example, in the phillipines, nearly 50 percent of all coca cola cells and is in receivable glass bottles. so we want to see a shift to these reusable packaging systems in more countries. and we want to see the scaled up in, in the countries that they already exist and that, and we want to see these systems replace single use plastic and,
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and we're hopeful about that. but yes indeed it's, it's all about time we need to figure with this cuz it really is the price didn't amount it has been really interesting getting your thoughts on this and we appreciated the director of strategic initiatives at oceana. thank you very much indeed. thank you. so back in 2020, in the race to create a vaccine for cove of 19 many drug companies said they wouldn't pursue legal battles with their violence in the interest of getting shots of the world. 4 years later, lawsuits over who discovered what begun us pharmaceutical company mcdonough, a suit, gem, and drug make a biome tank over some of the technologies that made the shots possible. colin baker has more than once at stake as many of the concepts that made coping 19 vaccines possible were around long before 2020. but 3 innovations that year helped develop the drugs for decades. scientists wanted to make a new class of vaccine that we use short length of genetic code instead of bits of
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inactive virus, messenger r, and they are so called m r n a would trick the body to make pieces of a virus which would then teach the immune system to defeat it. such a vaccine would be accurate, adjustable and safe. but early versions produced allergic reactions. scientist realize that could be avoided by replacing one chemical with another. it was the discovery that with later when a nobel prize, both modernity and fines or biotech licensed. that was step one, but i'm renee is fragile and it falls apart easily. so the companies built tiny capitals of that molecules to deliver. that was step 2. they then had to choose the best part of the coping 19 virus to target and mate during i had researched another respiratory disease called nurse, and they identified the spike protein which grabs onto human cells. they say pfizer biotech copied that approach to both companies deny any wrong doing and save their discoveries, come from their own research. mcdonough says it doesn't want to stop pfizer of
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vaccine that wants royalties from shots that were sold in wealthy countries. after march 2022, and that's potentially a lot of money. both companies, cobit 19 jobs, are sold for more than $100.00 per dose. pfizer is generated nearly $38000000000.20 and $11000000000.00 the following year. in the same period, the durn has generated $18000000000.00 annually. $7000000000.00. the next, all the players are working in the same field. i'm. of course they're working based on the same state of the arts on published data, documents, articles, and then at some point they may come up with some of the technology. and then it's the question who has a highest level 1st, who has the ip and disabled from forces. and the 1st was that against others, one of the big future targets of m r and a vaccine technology is effect seen for the flu. a market that's expected to more than double over the next decade. it's totally exam fees of approved
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a controversial new constitution that could indefinitely extend the hold on power of in using the political this then the state supposed to say return to go into a parliamentary democracy, but the opposition is calling for protests. meanwhile, campaigning is underway. hands of legislative elections scheduled for next week. nicholas hawk reports a small newspaper in togo, is standing up to the most powerful dennis dean africa. then using bay family has governed to go for 61 years. members of parliament voted on a new constitution on friday. while the tax has not been made public journalist, evelyn, this is who says it would allow president phone. yes. in be to stay in the office in. definitely let's get rid of for guessing. be peacefully says when headline free political prisoners and give us back our right to protest says another and active defiance of the country that does not tolerate the set lips of who's just the
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federal. i am talking to you with a few in the pit of my stomach. we are working on the restraint and substance of ship, but we have to keep going in terms of the tooth. a dma guessing they came to power in a coup in 1963 and ruled with an iron fist. thousands of dances would follow him around in portraits of hey, man, it's son fell. were plastered everywhere. when a demon died in 2005, both took over and introduced a multi party system of governance. simple additions. welcome the latest constitutional amendments which include the president being elected not by the people but by m p's and the removal of limits on to her was across the priest. what's new is more accountability, more stability, and more representation. and the system enables a permanent dialogue between players. the changes come as to really is prepared to vote for new members of parliament and the opposition fears. this will provide the legal framework for guessing by the clean power. it's not worth it to move across
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the election in to go. is it kind of tools to keep the fall off fund eva is taught the it the way the holding the country while the united states says it's concerning. the constitutional amendments were made without public consultation. the west down for getting body echo as has yet to comment. but there is rising criticism within to go against a family that for generations has rob people of their voices. nicholas hawk elgin 0, still ahead on order 0. well, hundreds plastic over here to just validate them. get some fe, don't one is, i mean, the sofa is coming up in the font. is the business latest a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business leaders to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the
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the size of his board. here's far, rob, thank you so much. we'll start in italy, we're inter melana, one serial titles for the 20th time. they wrapped it up with a victory over their city, rivals ac. david stokes reports to such a dominant season. this was the perfect way to get the job done into a 20th century outside till sealed by victory over the arch rivals, milan, the team with which they share a city and the stadium. the sunset ro was lit up with fireworks as friends setup right to the trophy. when few had predicted the start of the campaign
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into new or when would give them an insurmountable 17 point leda ac. and they went to head 3, francesco, a chevy. the rock is tim, added the 2nd after the break, the a little closer, but the carrier to more he gave milan some hug. pulling a go back with 10 minutes left. tempers got the better of some players and added time resulting in 3 right cards before in to eventually go over the line with 5 games despite the time. yeah. yeah, they don't. the last, once in the lake, this season conceding just 18 goes to send me on the inside gate. this is the survey outside. so as a manager, i think what it is a player with, let's you know, 24 years ago give audio quinn dv. that ain't going to thought for media you. we
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showed this when with all the into family. i think about the players management, our president, and of course, all of our fans is going to need to meet the photos and says 20 if title instead of a 2nd, start on that jersey, rubbing something the williams of milan who remain on 19 events this remain way out in front with a wrinkled, 36 titles. but right now that down is the 3rd place 22 points behind the new champions, david stokes, which is a rough english finally, leaders are small have a chance to pull away. and the title race later is they play chelsea a win on tuesday would see them take a 3 point lead over liver pool and a 4 point lead over manchester city to have play one game less than arsenal. and then you win and your matches and 10 and you bring in the margins is more than as muller. and as the only thing that we can do at the moment, because they're seeing nothing, our hands on the eval to try to the tomorrow night. and that form really well, try to win the game. and if we do that at that pressure would increase for sure.
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the man who scored the winner for around madrid and l class code you failing m has been awarded the world breakthrough of the year prize that the laurie as world sports wards. the 20 year old england player has had an outstanding preseason at reality is joining from beraskigy adornments scoring $21.00 goals and all competitions on these targeting more success over the coming yeah, it's been a bit of a bit of a crazy wait, really. i'm so tired to be honest, so excuse me, if i look at it. um, but yeah it's, uh, it's been a module a few days and yeah, i'm really proud to to, when they, so would, like i said, and, you know, hopefully keep making more memories from the ground which it and with thing live in the future. really, you know, we're still in with the chance of us to, with the madrid and obviously the arise england. so think success would be all 3 but um yeah, it takes a lot of um, work in a lot of sacrifice and hopefully we can. it cannot. the main prize of the night
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went to tennis. and number one know that jock, that she was named sportsman of the year for record equaling 5th time after winning 3 of the 4 grand slams last year, while spanish football or i kind of bermonte picked up the price for sports woman of the year. and world team of the year on behalf of spanish women's national team were crowned world champions in 2023. an incredible year when in the future will come of ahead of us anti dumping has demanded investigation into how a group of chinese women's were able to take part in the tokyo olympics despite $23.00 positive tests. overall, the anti doping agency confirmed in new york times report that the swimmers had tested positive for a heart medication months before the games. in july 2021. what a sided had accepted china's explanation. the swimmers had opened, staying at the same hotel. teresa's of the drugs were found in the kitchen and that the positive tests were a result of food contamination. not deliberate doping. critics including you saw
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the chief travis, ty guard aren't satisfied. he's accused water of a cover up something they strongly deny at the end of the day, quite nicely to look at the system and are just, you know, frustrated and upset that you know about the number of athletes at this level. contest, positive for substance like this and the way it has been described. you can have the, you know, state security, you know, create this excuse and then that gets signed off on by the global regulator. so while you know, really appreciate, want to open it up and provide some information about their, the process. it was, it was really, unfortunately very unsatisfying and actually opened up a whole load of questions about this situation that need to be, i'm still need to be answered in and actually investigated athletes or, or calling for you know, a review and investigation and they should have as much certainty as they possibly
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can have, that the gains are going to be fair and i can be claimed and that they should be able to focus on their training to be prepared when parents comes along of just a few short months pairs mare and high down go, says the river sun will be safe to swim in by the end of june, and will be ready to host the olympic opening ceremony a month later. athletes from 205 countries will sail down the river and 80 boats on the 26th of july. the ceremony that will last 4 hours. but security concerns as well as the rivers failure to pass health inspections has thrown down over the venue with the stat defense tablet as an alternative or defending champions. the denver nuggets have taken it to nothing serious leader of the la lakers and the on the playoffs. and the game that had a while finished with michael porter junior sleep corner with a minute and 15 seconds left on the top, tied it up at 95 points, a p, d and 3 buckets. before jamal murray stepped in with a jumper at the bus. here the seal is 101 to 99 when for the nuggets rallied from
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20 points down in the center. okay, and that is all your support for now back to you, ron. bye. thank you very much indeed. are you, you, you and report is find that asia was the world's most disaster hit to region from climate, and by that hazards in 2023. the world meets your logical organization says floods in stones caused the highest number of reports of casualties and economic losses. peter newman is professor of sustainability across and university and he says governments must act foster to mitigate the effects of climate change as we had been predicting this. but i would have to cite it has come quicker than we thought, or rather hoped that we'd have a bit more time to make the changes. but we don't, we are now in the thick of climate change and it's going to get worse until we type net 0 through to the end. if we can do that by 2040, for example,
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then immediately we would start to get on top of that all. but until then we are going to have to expect more damage from flood spies and all kinds of wave the changes. functions of indigenous people have gathered in the brazilian capital for a 5 day protest defending their land and cultural rights. it's against what they say are unfulfilled promises by president bruce, and not feel this over to create reserves and expel land drivers from the territories. indigenous tribes said and disappointed with the government and that their rights cannot be negotiated. monica, you're not as high as more from this area. there's thousands of indigenous people here from a prosperous bill. they have all the cars demand, the main one. they want the government still not only award the territories, but we've been protected. like behind me here. these are the people been facing
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a very serious situation. there rivers have been diluted with mercury by the legal miners. the government has tried to spell them from there, as it did with the younger mom. if people were special task force, it was set up and it's still going on trying to install $20000.00 miners some of the on the money territory. but they always come back and people have been telling us that there is no structure, no kind of organizations that will make this harmon is going to be on a charge who's going rainbows to protect the last for once they leave the minor lodges, the poachers, they all come back now, right now these people here are standing in front of the congress. they want to make their voices heard. they also want their representation in the powers and the capitals resilience, monica, and i just, i was just, there are for sale. yeah. i'm going to be back in
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a couple of minutes with me on all these stories. i'm rolled mathis and stay with us on august the th, in the center. i bet the data
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in the pool. what is known as a breaking stereotypes full while i'm practicing the ancient mush allowed to come. it has made me physically very fit and mentally very strong. the mission is to serve the community, helping offers, cleaning up the streets and educating young goals. 101 east beach, the kung fu, nuns cap men do on al jazeera. why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics the bottom line. now let me tell you about safari. the cool result is the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we enter the a coupon occupied right now, able to practice what the now be used. only look, just very close here,
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like come in here, sits on with a large stairs face with a look in my private for me now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody probably equal, restored to me and gone the 200 days of war. israel shows no sign of ending the violence in jobs as it's warmed about the armies planned ground, defensive and rough on the i don't know about this. and then this is all just a lie from doha. i'm also counting up mass arrests of student who says pro palestinian demonstrations spread across us universities. 5 people drive i'm trying to get to the u. k. just ours out to the government part.


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