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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the experience of the great is supposed to be a big jump, the exclusive b b to 200 days of war. israel shows no sign of ending the violence, and garza made warnings to bounce his plan for ground. defensive and rough. uh the head of them are kyle, this is out. is there a live from dough? ha. also coming up the students and academics to talk to them. dustin is of a rest. major us universities are protesting against israel's will on gone. so
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5 people drowned as they try to make the way across the english channel l, as on the cape ottoman boxes, a controversial noses, and some live events in refugees to rolanda a system to a european union member of parliament as being a rest is on suspicion of spying for china, the it's 14 gmc and we begin in gulf, so which is in it's $200.00 the day of israel's will move and fuzzy. $4183.00 palestinians have been killed since october the 7th. and there are no signs of the violence ending in the central parts of the strength is ready as strikes, talk to the threat refugee come and the wounded robust all acts the hospital for treatment areas in the north, on the south of also being hit. meanwhile, castle has confirmed it still involved in mediation efforts to reach us these 5, despite attempts to undermine the process. the,
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i know we assessing our role as the, as mediators. we need serious commitment by all sides to reach a deal. and secondly, attacking the mediator does not show commitment, does not show seriousness and does show a lack of enthusiasm and positively engaging in the mediation process. and this is what we are getting at right now, especially from the guy, the counselor fox, those ministers who i've made these claims to end this conflict, the only way to guarantee the security of the people's on both sides. and the only way to end the mascot and the bloodshed that is taking place right now in the, in that, that, and without believe in the 4th a set itself. i feel that would be very difficult for the mediators to accomplish a result of you and sort of the incessant attacks of damaged or destroyed 60 percent of homes and garza and devastated the health care system. if it was a warrant, the entire population is facing
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a cute food shortages because humanitarian aid has been reduced to a trickle on their affairs, an escalation and violence as well says it plans to relocate civilians from rough uh before its ground. defensive us on the un have wanted against this move on. point 5000000 displays palestinians all sheltering in the something. see that speak to our correspondent target? i'll assume he joins us now live from rafa in the south festival tag. what do you know about is, is really warnings full pallets and is to evacuate the bait law here area in the north as well. that's what the is very mandatory, has been in fact saying and giving orders to residents and then other parts of the gaza strip in particular invite la here town. the military now has been announcing that they will start a new military operation that it's worth mentioning, that the as ready military had completed,
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operated in other parts of gall. this trip they have been carrying out most grounds . invasion invites, handled by law, hidden to value a refugee cabin in separate cost of the other parts of the gaza strip, claiming that the management of tale to control the area apart. now we have been seeing that more classes and since the patients, i imagine from these locations in the north, as the east by the military right now, is it trying again, in order to attack these areas? um, it's also driving cause a to residence in order to flee from areas that would be an areas of an area of operations of id is by the side. but clearly which people are just moving between that pre a specifically that the vast majority of buildings in bank law here town have been completely or partially destroyed, as people are living and make shift tens. and some of them are living in evacuation center. and this reflects the collapse on the absence of the east, very strategy in the military operations on the ground and side cause us. we are also continuing the bombardments on onto the re shilling and separate areas.
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specifically, the middle areas which had been widely attacked today were a number of residential houses most and even evacuation centers have been attacked by the is valley fight to get some officer units on the ground. as gauze is health ministry had been saying that within the past 24 hours, at least so 2 to palestinians have for reports of killed as also growing scripts that there is going to be potential military and kids in here in roughly where people should go. despite the fact that all of areas are witnessing confrontations and battles and on the unrelenting circle of destruction of compartments. yeah. and the tech home is $200.00 day of the was clearly the no sign of the violence is a bating. what about a guessing and what do we know at this stage about what is coming into garza and how it's being distributed around the strip whereas we have been hearing from so it's been rough uh crossing that the amount of
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veins that getting into the church we have been witnessed a slight increase not to the maximum capacity that the majority of guns of the population are desperately in need to. um, that's reflect the contradictory of what these spend a minute to as has been saying that they are increasing the capacity of a deliveries to the gods district to reach 500 to humanitarian tops on a daily basis about what he's getting. and then in the, in the best cases impressed scenarios a completely come can reach to 160 or 70 humanitarian trucks on a daily basis that can not really help the vast majority of palestinians to keep with the often amounts of these very ongoing military campaign. part of the as embry installations, lines that from rafa and southern goals. so thanks very much talk with us as well and as well against at times to move palestinians. i also rasa international alarm is growing of these really minutes you propose for a ground defensive in the southern gauze of city write scripts of wound of
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catastrophic humanitarian consequences. we don't want to see palestinians evacuated from rasa unless it is to return to their homes. and we have made that quite clear to the government of israel, that we don't think there's any effective way to, to evacuate 1400000 palestinians. there's no way to conduct an operation and raso that would not lead to inordinate civilian harm and would severely hamper the delivery of humanitarian assistance. and that's to the point that we continue to make to them last spring in our white house correspondent company how it gets you joins us now. kimberly, why is the us holding on so firmly to this position? is that, well the us is holding on firmly because the feeling is and it's been explained in 2 different virtual meetings. 2 is really officials isn't the ground operation isn't the way to go. you heard the state department explaining it there in detail what the united states is favoring is for the is really military to go
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after. the how mos operative that the is really military believes is hiding amongst the civilian population there, rasa in a manner of precision strikes and targeted re not the ground operation. this really military is favoring. and the reason being is that the united states simply believes that it is not possible to avoid the mass civilian casualties and the humanitarian disaster that will lead to widespread famine. essentially what the us president and the secretary of state have been making in terms of the case is that there will be terrible civilian consequences a that's the bottom line that they are even if they're evacuated. sions there will be remaining civilians that will be caught up in the crossfire and the civilian casualty. already in $34000.00 excess is going to be even more
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devastating further. the fact is that already there are very few of hospitals that are in the operation and gaza. the only remaining hospitals and clinics that are still functioning are in that area. the only that are 8 agencies that are still functioning are in ralph, and the only 8 crossings that are still allowing for 8 to get in are in that area. if there is a ground operation, all of that could potentially be shut down. and this could lead to widespread famine, something the united states is trying to avoid. okay, kimberly money, thanks that update the from the white house in garza civil defense team say they've recovered 1000 small bodies from mass graves on the grounds of national hospital and con eunice. $310.00 bodies have been found so far. witnesses say some of the victims are killed, join me is raining siege on the hospital. civil defense officials say hundreds more buried in the medical complex. so i know how room is
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a spokeswoman for all hoc that's an independent palestinian vines organization that's based in the occupied west bank. she says access needs to be prompted to the sites of the mass graves, international organizations to carry out an investigation. discovery of these mass graves in the hospital and before that must graze which were discovered and she felt hospitable to start evidence of war crimes. and of course the genocide which is being perpetrated against the palestinian people and gaza by israel. a genocide which has now been ongoing for 200 days, initial thoughts from northside hospital. it shows that some of the bodies of the killed people have their hands tied behind the back and some of the bodies, the women, and tell us the new people who are elderly as well. the issues that we have at the moment and gaza is access to the site and not just for organizations like a hawk, an independent humanized organizations or people who should be best to go to these master trustees that we'll see. instead,
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we're mainly seeing families of the deceased. oh families desperately looking for other members of the families of the loved ones, often using bad, bad hands to date, into these most grades and time find just the trace of those people. so access is the key thing here. um, some of the testimonies got, we did manage to gather from the hospital, not from mazda hospital, showed that one of the family member was desperately trying to find just a trace of his uncle. she said by the sounds assembled, but even if he could find a body pot and um, or like that, they could at least take that. i'm very him. so the able to sleep at night. that's what he told us, which shows how dire the situation is on the grounds. growing outrage of israel's war on gauze to respond to protests, amazing universities in the us. students at yale, columbia, and new york university have been holding sits in protests on campus, defying demons to stop. when a 100 students have been arrested so far,
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how does your cost write reports? a gale university in connecticut has become another flash point in the conflict between pro palestinian demonstrators and university administrators. police literally 47 protesters at you on monday morning. the demonstrators have been camped at a university plaza since friday, protesting hills refusal to die best from military weapons manufacturers. the protesters claim that makes yale complicity in israel's genocide and gaza. meanwhile, administrators at columbia university in new york city, cancelled in person classes on monday, citing some jewish students complaints that they felt unsafe. after more than a 100 pro palestinian demonstrators were arrested last week for us to to show
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yes we, we, we want to be visible versus something about what we're asking about. the genocide that's happening. that's happening. can guess that it should be the image itself. and the best thing in this, it just in a time is now some of the anti is real protesters, that colombia are jewish themselves. but a school affiliated rabbi over the weekend urged your students to return home for their own safety. the videos on social media like this one apparently show a protester calling on the armed wing of him off to target jewish students. but new york city police try to temp down the fear. there's been no credible threats to any particular group or individual coming from this protest or, or any of the columbia, as president says, the university is adding more than a 100 additional safety personnel. as protesters have returned to campus,
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president biden to address the continuing university protests on monday. as i submitted protests on college, i also don't understand what any student protests leaders denied charges of anti semitism. and so the demonstrators have been peaceful now. protests of spreading to still more schools with students at n y u n. m. i t being the latest to join the pro palestinian movement. heidi joe castro alda 0 washington. a funeral is being held for a palestinian mine who died of wins from is rainy gunfire. in jericho, the 44 year old was a father, a 3 is death springs, a number of palestinians killed in the occupied westbank since october, the 7th to $487.00. and of the 3 people injured by his riley, confined to invades on the refugee comes in jericho. on tuesday morning at
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least 5 people, including a child have died, was trying to cross the english channel from funds to the u. k. as full boats. they will only been carrying more than a 100 would be refugees and migrants, of course just bought a forcible in tampa card, several people to show last french so far as he's said they rescued at least 47 a lot. this also happened just alice, off to the u. k. paula and pasta circle rolanda bill. that's the government's controversial time to process asylum seekers of sure. got a has welcome to move from this or what she's due next. as the 1st flights will leave within 3 months. will print reports from london. the u. k is handled hundreds of millions of dollars to friends for coastal security and police patrols. yet the small boats containing refugees in migrants keep coming. on 2 years after former prime minister boris johnson's government 1st announced a highly contentious plan to send refugee to rolanda. not a single plane has taken off. frustrated wishes to knock,
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cold time on the object is enough. is it now? no more prevarication? no more delay. noah's no box. these slights ongoing to roll into a long day of parliamentary ping pong ensued. the upper chamber trying to amend the bill the government using its majority in the lower chain, but to block any an oil changes. it went on until after midnight, when the loads finally capitulated. there was a little bit reluctant, like we will this week had a little that provides for the offshore processing and supplement of asylum seekers . in rwanda. its benefits remain to be seen. its costs will be measured fairly in money, but in principles, the based a bit of a 4th victory for the government then, but real questions remains. what exactly will the flight start to take off and how many refugee migrants will actually be on them? and the biggest question of cool, well, it really act as
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a deterrent for those seeking to make the crossing from friends to the u. k. in small boats, the government wants to 1st row and the flights to deposit in 10 to 12 weeks. the campaign is a not yet ready to give up for a stop. there is a very strong prospect. so the legal challenges, we are often rule still a rule of little country here in britain. and then secondly, the government con consent, that it is found in a line to upright. those slots, this rewind to control vesee fall from being result, poll brennan, algae, 0 central lumber, said i had head on out there on the stones box of southern china, tens of thousands of people on the and from the higher the high low they will stop by looking at the satellite image for south asia,
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and you can see some dense shuttle clouds moving across central to eastern parts of india. now those have brought to some intense thunderstorms to areas. but on wednesday we go west of the weather in the very northeast. some of that rain folding heavy across the northern pots of me in law. but behind that, it isn't much to why a story, certainly for bangladesh we've had hot and humid conditions here with excessive heat set to continue of the next few days. we have had read warnings out for westbound goals, the temperature and coal cox are picking up into the early forty's. as long as you drive across the north of india, it will be some way to weather starting to work its way from. i've gone this down into west and pots of pockets done as we go into the latter part of the week. now, heavy rain has been affecting southern parts of china, causing devastating flooding. now there's more of that that's set to come back in on thursday to areas such as g one, don't problems and go on g. you can see the very heavy falls that that's likely to west than the flooding that has been affecting the south of china. but the north of
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this is so much to y, a and whole to picture $29.00 degrees celsius. the invasion with lots of sunshine pushing across the korean peninsula of the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying, any of the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices? 6, i've had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era . the,
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[000:00:00;00] the other again, you are watching al jazeera has reminder of our top story is best i'll. it's been $200.00 days since, as well as will on guns that began. and the central parts of the strip is where any strikes tosses on the surround refugee come, the wounded a bead, rushed to l x. the hospital for treatments is where the army has killed at least 34183 palestinians since october. the 7th guns as civil defense team say they've recovered dustin's more parties from mass graves on the grounds. and that's a hospice within con eunice. $310.00 bodies have been found so far. witnesses say some of the victims were killed during these really siege on the hospital. civil defense officials say hundreds more of fairies and the medical complex of
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respondents is pressing ahead for this time sent asylum seekers to rolanda. this has at least 5 people, including a child drowns, trying to make the dangerous crossing from farms into the u. k. u and then you are paying council, have s b u k. to drop the scheme. how does training, joins try cuz killed at least one pass and in southern lebanon. it hit a vehicle in the town of blooming around 50 kilometers from the route is where the armies as the target was a member of hezbollah. nobody's on grief as laurence and attack in which highly ation is remote g and has blood. i've been exchanging flying across the border since october. the close border fighting between israel and the lebanese group has been growing in intensity, is despise tens of thousands of people on both sides of the border. they know how to join the un peacekeeping trip tool, touring $711.00 to see the cost of the wall. and the signs of war are visible almost everywhere along lebanon's border with isabel. this is
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a frontline where there's little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help. it's like him, us in casa, most of israel strikes have been focused on an area about 5 to 10 kilometers from the border. now we are crossing who am i going to see this riley person position from here, where i'm moving close to the blue line. and who knows when uh, sharing or i know, yes, like a is going to happens. we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force, in southern lebanon, on their own patrol with lebanon's army. their mission is to ensure the area from the border to the latania river is free of arms and fighters outside the states control. we are here to support the lead on the side of me on the leave as they leave. i mean these government to take control of the,
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of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before the slightest confrontation. and despite thousands of strikes as well, has failed to push the groups fighters back. the you enforce has repeatedly warned that the danger of escalation is real. yeah, we're looking for the, you know, the people this isn't our strength. so we're looking for the, this uh, how can we prevent this is collisions. so after this moving at, on, dealing with that searching for the police where we kind of has. busy a few people remain here, nearly 100000 up in these have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border. this is the cost of war, official say losses are already in the billions of dollars. although the concept is
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still larger, contained and confined to the, for the region, as well as, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because as well as threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve center for their elders either. so there's nothing on the systems, but your opinion member of parliament has been arrested on suspicion of an especially severe case of spying for china. the suspects was for the fall, i to attend to for germany policy. he's accused of giving the chinese intelligence service information about negotiations and decisions and the european parliament. 3 of the people levels have been arrested for spying for china. aging has rejected espionage claims, as hype, don't it. kane has moved from valid of the facts of the case in so far as we know them all that the individual, a german citizen who originally was a chinese national have been working for the lead to count. as i said, the alternative to germany policy in the european parliament and brussels,
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but also address than where this individual was arrested, a man in his thirties. what we know is that it is alleged that he has passed on information from the european permanent sensitive information of what has been talked about some european problem, but also accused of monitoring and legally chinese dissidence in this country was interesting is the fact that over the course of monday, we also heard that 3 other individuals in germany had been arrested again. the suspicion being that they had passed on sensitive information to the chinese authorities. in the case of the 3 arrested on monday, unrelated to the specific individual, the assistant for the member of parliament in brussels. this was military information sensitive ministry, great information being passed on as not the case so far, at least as well as we are aware regarding the amount arrested interest. and the reaction to it is very interesting. the chinese government dismissing it as a height to try to attack china. the german government in the form of the interior administer saying represents
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a serious attack on german democracy. and we are wait to hear more information about what has happened. donat cane al jazeera bullen officials in the ukrainian city of a desk, say 9 people, including 2 children, were injured in a rush themselves strike. the boat says he has come under relentless attack from russia since the war began. 2 years ago. emergency services posted photos and videos of damage. buildings on fire and rescue. a sifting through the rubble. yeah . full set it down 15 of 16 by some drains, find it. ukrainian territory. overnights the united nations as fighting over to speak to the area in northern ethiopia. display as more than 50000 people rival regional groups. so fighting for the control via almonza in southern to grey. i'm our forces occupied the area during a to you will between the government and regional to grind no pharmacies. the group was due to withdrawal from the region after
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a peace agreement was signed in 2022. so i'm guessing too is any tape and john, unless he says, the reason i'm fighting samsung me on the heart of forces feeling they would not consulted on the peace process. this time a non stuck have been claimed by the to grand and as well as them as, as to mation. they be not war of for the last 4 years grants are feeling that so with the piece process going on between the job and government and the 2 p, i left that to drive people's liberation front. there's a feeling that they might, the governments might side against them with an old ongoing war that's been happening and i'm hot out for the last year. and both sides have claimed it since the ethnic federalism was started in ethiopia. and which the government that then government decided that this dispute did not belong to the to guy region. what um, how does have claimed that the previous government, which is dominated by 2 grants was against them and they cited with their own people,
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which are the grants. dom has never agreed with the peace process. they've been asking the job and government to be part of the peace process. and the government decided to negotiate with a t p, a left to them harass, never accepted. the principles of, uh, what was signed is how that because, and they thrown in kenya and knew you and reports has revealed that asia was the wells, most is also hit region from climate and where the husbands in 2023 allowed me to electrically organizations as plants and storms cause the highest number of reports of casualties. and the comic law says, as millions of people in southern china or on high or less off of the government issued its highest storm warning. downforce triggered flooding in kwan don't prevents for single than 100000 people from that homes. at least 4 people have died and 10, i'm missing katrina, you reports the car and building debris swept away by afflicted with
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a young one. southern china. 300 soldiers had been sent to rescue people stranded their after powerful student slipped through the region. heavy rain damaged roads and triggered landslides, cutting off the towns, water and electricity supplies. in the megacity of jan jen 70000000 residents have been advised to stay home. authorities issued a red alert, highest warning officer streets can be of incentive flooded schools and businesses have been shot and some public transportation suspended elsewhere and come, don't provence. the rain has eased and people are assessing the damage. flooded fields are all that's left of the long jingled spot. i used to plan right here, but now it's all flooded. flooded beyond repair. he says he genuine was among the hardest hit days of heavy rain caused nearby rivers to burst their backs,
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forcing him and his neighbors to take shelter under an overpass. with the few possessions they have left within 110000 people has been relocated since the weekend. parts of in the north and going down are also under water rescue. teams are scouring the city, searching for the 38000 people, still stranded, dozens for injured and needed to be lifted. tell spilled the neighboring provinces of long c young sea and who 9 are also in high looked a scientist, a climate change has cost seasonal storms to worse and, and to rise earlier with asia. one of the regions most affected by global warming, katrina, you all to 0. thousands of indigenous people have gathered in the brazilian capsule for a 5 day protest defending the land and cultural rights. it's against what they say is present. lewis and isolated to silvas unfulfilled promises to create reserves and expel land, grab those from the territories and business tribes. so that disappointed with the


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