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tv   Al Jazeera World Shooting The Messenger  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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calling every meal is like a sequence of the farm to the tape, hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the head of them, oregon. indo hobbies the top stories on ounces, era strikes and all its hillary settings continue to cross go on. so on the $200.00, the day of israel's will on the strip, and the central parts have gone through is riley forces targeted on the threat to refuge account. the wounded have been rushed to all acts the hospital for treatment . and for the south is ready gun, but it's 5. it's calling eunice at least 34183 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th of the month when it has moved from rough up the central area has
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been a major side of relentless areas, talk mainly in there, but i should be an example of how these really military it, they gave it misleading narrative of, of saves on there but it has been designated as a safe area for a vacuum. we've been displaced families of from the northern part and golf and city to evacuated, to, to avoid being bombed and killed in only do get bogged and killed in a go into are further internal displacement that has been going on for the past 6 months. reports of injuries uh transferred to i left to the hospital area or our the bridge cabin further to the western part of the central area where more people have been reported, either killed or critically injured, arriving to a lock so hospitalized and really exhausted over whelmed health facility in the central area are garza civil defense team say they've recovered 17 more bodies from mass graves on the grounds of muscle hospitality. in con eunice witnesses say some of the victims were killed. join me is really siege on the hospital for
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a 110 bodies have been found. so for us as well and as well against as plans to move the palestinians out of rough um international alarm is growing. as he's ready minutes you propose for ground defensive in the southern parts of the gaza strip. we don't want to see palestinians evacuated from rasa unless it is to return to their homes. and we have made that quite clear to the government of israel that we don't think there's any effective way to, to evacuate 1400000 palestinians. there's no way to conduct an operation and process that would not lead to, in order to civilian harm. it would severely hamper the delivery of humanitarian assistance and that's the, the point that we continue to make to them. and is there any drain, strike has killed at least one pass and in southern lebanon. it hid a vehicle in the town of i've learned about 50 kilometers from beverage, is where they all made sense. as it says, the target was a member of hezbollah. is there any minute treat lebanese on group has been exchanging 5 across the board. us since october
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a positive and mine has died of williams from his wally gunfire in jericho. the 44 year old was a father of 3. his death springs, a number of palestinians killed in the occupied westbank since october, the 7th to $487.00 students at columbia university in new york. i've been told to stay at home, most kind of city. and so the doris, who protest continue on campus demonstrations and support have gone to the world to many us universities. well, the 100 students and academics have been arrested these 5 people, including a child who have died, was trying to cross the english channel into the u. k, the small boats they will honors being carrying over the 100 passages teams are still conducting such and rescue operations. this also happened to ours off the bush parliament, past the so called rolanda bill. that's the government's controversial plan to process asylum seekers off show. the bill has been condemned by the un and the united states. and assistant to european union member of parliament has been
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arrested on suspicion of an especially severe case of spying for china. the suspect was for the fall right or tend to for germany potty. he's accused of giving the chinese intelligence of his information about negotiations on decisions in the european parliament. 3 of the people have also been arrested for spying for china. badging is rejected espionage claims, as high officials in the ukrainians. if you have a desk is a 9 people including 2 children, were injured and a russian missile strike. emergency services posted photos and videos of damage. buildings on fire and rescue is sifting through the rubble in the ports. i see. yeah, full. set it down. 15 of 16 motion drains fired out to crate the entire tree. overnight . there's all your headlines. we're back with more news of the out. is there a world to stay with us? the
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the the you would just on the 11th of may 2022. i'll just say original is sharina blacked way. with shot the she was covering is wally on the rates in the occupied westbank city of geneva.
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the colleague lisa moody was injured in the attack. the according to al jazeera and the united nations, the bullets that killed the black lake and wounded some moody fide about his regular forces. the no one has ever been charged or punished for the modem. this film which was made before the war on going so that began on the 7th of october 2023, examines the killing of john lists in the occupied palestinian territories. and the problems of holding anyone to account for that debts. the
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sharina bill actually was an american citizen. so the us federal bureau of investigation, the f. b, i looked into the case b s. b. i sent a team to janine to investigate events on the ground in cooperation with the office of the palestinian public prosecutor. s b, i experts analyzed audio and video clips of the shooting. the steven back is an investing data and audio forensic textbook who's acted as an s. b i, consultant for several years. he worked on the sharina well actually case. so i probably analyze, you know, tens of thousands of recorded gunshots. and so i have a very good idea of what i'm looking for. so i 1st of all started out watching the video and listening to the audio simultaneously
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aloud. but you couldn't see where the bullets were coming from. you couldn't see you know, anybody shooting so at that point i had to rely on the audio. the other thing i paid attention to was the surroundings. so i noted that of the journalist, there was a group of journalists and they were walking down the street, the okay, that street had the walls and it also had houses. so that provided the constraint on the path of the boats to the audio contained a lot of additional information that was not provided and the didn't get enough so what i yeah, lies the 2 burst of gunfire. okay. and they consisted,
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each shot consisted of a shockwave, followed by a muscle blast. okay, and there is a time difference in there that from that time difference, i was able to calculate an estimate how far away the shooter was. and my calculations indicated that the shooter was between 180 meters and 201 meters away. and we also found out that there was a group of id of soldiers that were 200 meters away from that intersection where the, the journalist and the person with the cell phone recorder work. so the fact that the signatures match the, the distance matched and of the fact that those bullets were going in the direction of the journalist,
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i think very strongly supports the fact that that gunfire came from the idea of soldiers who would be aiming at the journalist they were certainly aiming in the direction of the germans. time around me is how i found you. 0 arabic went to london to meet another investigator, familiar with the sharina, but actually case chris called smith has worked on the cases of several of the journalists killed by the is really all me the rounds of history and all the round it showing that was not random 5 for a stop. so again, those shots with, with slope they do with deliberate. and the number of rounds hit the tree very
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close to asked. she was standing, but that they can, that was not random. 5. ok for the most elements. how us comp smith, how he thought the is really on a would ultimately deal with the case and given both the investigation findings and the way they've handled similar cases in the past. well yes, once again, that seems to be a complete lack of a thorough investigation. i didn't miss an admission of responsibility on behalf of behalf of a is why the i'm in is riley. and these radio searches that the, a lot of excuses will push out the immediately following the incident. but i think if you look in detail where people were whether, whether military units, whether janice was standing, the ranges before it is the time the connected to be connected to be 11 source of blame for, for that incident. and a lot of it. and yes, you get, i'm not sure, but the individual responsible is going to be brought to the account.
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the chris cope smith worked on a similar case over 2 decades ago. on the 3rd of may, 2003. and these really all me officers shot dead, which is cameraman. james miller, in rough up in the southern gaza strip. mill is family supported by the british government. i'll ask for an official investigation into the murder and sent cold smith to gaza. l g 0 obtained a copy of the file on the middle of investigation. these res wanted to conceal the name of the army officer who shots miller. but they mistakenly left his name in one line of the documents they gave millis family of their lawyers. there was one document released by these red new authorities which redacted all the names of the individuals concerned. but there was one line where they, they,
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one name had not been rejected. and it was, i don't remember the name off the top of my head, but it was, i left pundents in the office really differentials. i left on an officer that is correct. the ones that are doing on the list and kind of a pop up. i believe it was a mistake because his name had been read that, as i say redacted had been crossed out, blanked out in the whole report, but it just did appear in one line. so we actually know who the, who, the officers this is the document in which the name of the x ray, the officer appears as 1st lieutenant tape. whereas elsewhere, he simply 1st lieutenant h of to his name became known as the following pressure from the british government. these really defense ministry all for the settlement deal in december, 2005 to close the case it paid $1750000.00 pounds to an a quotes
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a 1000000 us dollars today. in compensation to the miller family. in exchange for closing the legal cases against any is really military personnel involved. well, they don't have the seat. i mean, that's couple ones that are funny, that the low cost and not the most of us and you know, by without waiting ahead, anastasia. so i've no doubt that the pressure from the british government considered play affected the response from is riley of our to what i'm gonna is in the midst of huffing and hunting for us to mean lower than if it had the csc for a couple of believe it was the same side unfortunately. oh, the gen list killed body is really all me didn't benefit from the same level of government support palestinian camera. men federal shut up was killed in
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april 2008. after being hit by a show from and these really tanking central garza, he was working for the reuters news agency at the time. despite the best efforts chanel, his family says no one has yet being held accountable for his mother. rose to select the box in a bit of vonny. this dusty fabric lit up. lama. how mean eh, what i can do that. yeah. that's usually the guy at the moment that i would have. oh, would you still have to call the, the, it's a thought the now and talk to me that in the i've done this had been another let me just have a me to june the i will vote, but it off of it is i'm going to stop these fucking, let's say nothing to the eh,
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let me have the gen with the sign in and then be acted for pickup. there's probably more time to the homestead defeated. bishop sort of felt like this is the spotting goes, the west side will sure no, was killed palestinian cameraman mohammed del baba was that when it happened the tank shell that hit shut out also killed 8 of the young civilians age between 12 and 20 years old. the was the numbers in that going to the new kind at the bottom of the slide you for the month of have you let them know they've done this? i remember griffin, how does he have the most? and that's well, that's off on the jam. yeah. and this off you've had is missing this, so you have to have to have to live with the,
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with the box hold of them. and i'm half is either a key issue besides the facility. i mean, because i'm the i was to them in man. neither do gun knowledgeable, but i'm going to ship the half of the body. but if i, if i'm kind of august the who ahead of the split up the 3 of them, that's what i'm good. what kind of man and honestly i put them in here, but no. so what was, what about some of them really did you had to ask officially because i yeah. mack on few hey not budge. gun lumped the car and fabia blind thought. i looked at the bottom of the slide you up for an up god, the most your to sort of come up to what i know about adult mode. you're dealing with something, and that's what it says you have. what is this of a, michelle waley? i mean, i said, the better good about your past, the bad they're going to take you out at the man got shut off and i have seen a feeling i've seen a subjective well, i'm actually about where people was. i level stuff. i also help the, the baby related to the developer. that's why the 1st level,
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so what sort of not enough disease will settle wonderful. that with the parties felt the good good, good with the idea about the what you've done. so the get it done as soon as i get talk about it, i have the address for the new government besides the 5 digit. does the noise neely assume for? yeah, and if you the move with more kind of a sudden more than what we thought i'd do, you know, i mean the, the different people knew it says if the thought of that, oh, but 1st of all, and i love you one out of a few months late to the is really oh me clear the tank crew that killed shut a it's advocate general said in the let to,
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to really to is that quote. the troops could not see where the photos shut up. was operating a camera or a weapon on that quote, chanelle and his sounds man who was wounded well wearing body omen. this they said was similar to that used by what they called palestinian terrorists. the statement concluded by saying that the tank crew had, quote, acted properly and will not face legal action further. just say that everything check and well, that's what i need. what do more better read? yeah, and if i didn't get, well, if you had a muscle border, what been incoming buffering pop the here and now for the to come model i've gotten, this is a hard b, g. it's a way to do for the kind of help up from the, from the football. it can cut off the damage and but, but it said definitely got a mock sold books and muffled gun and they have to me said the for the of the image
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. it are all the algebra, emailed reuters asking about the investigation in to sion of killing which is replied saying that quote, everyone who handle this it to ation them has moved on. they added that quote. we remain deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague, federal chanel journalist must be free to report the news and the public interest without fear of harassment or home wherever they all have kind of been catholic. 3, how you doing a lot with that? i have not invested in this bill. so when was this is the how many you decide to use the admin assist? never to have that committed to put this off to you. what acting out all of them. yeah. and is able boy v enough to a she my you. how to 0 also contacted reuters,
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asking them if they'd like to respond to my homage chanel. as view that they didn't do enough at the time. they replied, saying that they declined to comment on this matter. they hear that the and the whole and even though added fee as the most of the head and i'm of the look at the you will have the $1.00 with the foot fall blow less than if the metal wish i can related that we could do it between now and with the legend, few heavy american with the auto body the ever so i'd be of luck and not over luckily and above all we will see i will put it home at the middle and the, the, the mfc. i'm in the a muscle really? yeah. i had the shots, toner, who know what the legend fee a month, a call back. i'll be optically, colleagues about cuz point was boned out by documents obtained by i'll just say are
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in making this film that the is really all me just defines its action against you unless on the basis that its troops are engaged in a so called act of war a legal advisor at the as rainy ministry of security, sent this letter to the lawyer of palestinian generalist milwaukee. a money who lost his eye when he was shot by and he's really snipe up in november 2019. it says that the money was shocked when he is really forces were engaged in combat. and that this gives them immunity against any wrong doing amount a was covering a peaceful protest in serious and the west bank city of hebron. when he was hit in the i don't know walking for the in the middle dish. me if in me yeah there. sure. many looking for that to some of them. irish finishes up the automatic to show you
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and then has it put the work tab and noticeable something that the no uninstalled but i just saw for you in uh how late, how is it for me? but if i buy it additional enough, got how much comfortable this old day was high and this was a money try to file a case against the israeli army. and then these really cooled but hit something of a brick wall for john. and i never thought of the year the rest will come from mac and i'm in town where you're the, you're just in the shop. ah, there, my them, old look. for the can time. i don't. my said it'd be created the to know what they said. not a problem in there. ok. i don't even know or any
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the and this all buffy. if to solve to you know, prior how many yet a month the costs get a year as if it had to tell them. oh so, but if you have them up there no more than 2009 there from uh yeah, and it how it is now solomon. uh, not a robust little file through my mobile. come down unlocked. if there, let me go ahead. cool. are showing uh i was, i remember some was some might been remodel. hey momma. hey tim, how are you doing doing? oh, hey tim. uh, thought they might be able to ship the multiple phonetic maximum. and unfortunately it was, it was the same that they is ready. um it in areas such as this filled i can get away with pretty much anything. and i know that i need the james miller incident beside clinic investigated solidly and spent
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a lot of time working on i helped investigate the suits you have told me to handle as well on the death of rachel corrie. and it just does not seem like these incidents are being taken seriously enough. and it seems like the soldiers on the ground know they can get away with it and whatever they do, their actions will be covered up. and this is just not acceptable. is not acceptable to professional and what they claim to be assessed will allow me according to the documents obtained by al jazeera and this human rights watch report as well changed its minucci policy in 2000. when the 2nd intifada broke out in the occupied westbank. the report says that quote, depths of civilians in the occupied palestinian territories would no longer be routinely investigated because the situation was approaching of conflict under the investigations would be limited to what's it called exceptional cases. the report
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adds that even before that these really on the quote used a broad definition of combat to activities several times when just defying its refusal to investigate killings and how that or that and make the eh, and one die is um, let me a 150 omen eh, she called the kim or young benny and the one at the 5th of manor. and then when i check my set and ready to tell them not to walk off again that's i'm not happy shaheed most of this vis. well, the, how the, why should the so half of the camera do being can home and, you know, it'll be shutter while the them and then what am i that it, get them to say the full book on loans. we're fucked in um,
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home. now you have to, we, i'm a big, big, big, big we had the home. yeah. how cool, how this at all, even if you had a ton of and that had to throw in for how to teach the back. i'm not it with daddy . i mean, we've done it on the truck feed will do getting that's how to laugh at him with daddy in with that i'm but i scary. who? yeah. my other thought was p a. the head that he's dead, he meant, well, i'll see you have a good lot of fun. only be the coming up and talk to the families and friends of jen list killed in the line of duty question the a parent. impunity enjoyed by the is really all me the problems of holding any one to account for that that and how come at the moment can that and then and it has no family and probably at the set of misuse mismatch you in the whole way adam completed it and then on august and i'll put in the i'll so have you move on to
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how with them and tell them minimal 5th, how will any better able to integrate a slightly the officers solution inspect gives us now for future that we have to find creative solutions not just turn our backs on, i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person and yourself and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dishes we want. we want the education reward because the women in my country, the not sweet to come up to on we are not the night all a to we are human beings on this earth to be trees and the coins. we are working in their thoughts that's our officers has been done before. can be done
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even better. as long as the human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is key. unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have to say and any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era, the, the holding off of 2 accounts. as we examine the us each row in the work on out to 0. why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back?
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or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line again, i'm your economy though. these are the top stories on out as era as strikes and all tennessee shutting have continued across. the goal is that on the 200, the day of israel's war on the strip. and the central parts of gauze was ready, forces tosses on this or at refugee come, the wounded have been rushed to alexa hospital and for the south is really gone. but it's fine to con eunice. at least 34183 percent of citizens have been killed since october. the 7th. i mean my move has moved from rafa. a central area has been a major side of relentless areas, talk mainly in there,
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but after the an example of how these really military it, they gave it misleading narrative of, of safe zone there. but it has been designated as a safe area for evacuated and displaced families of from the northern part and gone from city to evacuated, to, to avoid being bombed and killed in only do get bogged and killed in a go in for further internal displacement that has been going on for the past 6 months, reports of injury is uh, transferred to a lot to the hospital area or ours, the bridge cabin further to the western part of the central area where more people have been reported, either killed or critically injured, arriving to a lot to the hospital and really exhausted over whelmed health facility in the central area styles. a civil defense name say they've recovered 17 more bodies from mass graves on the grounds of nasa hospital and han eunice. witnesses say some of the victims were killed. join me is rainy siege on the hospital. $310.00 bodies
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have been found so far. students at columbia university in new york have been told to stay at home was promised, and in some a diety, protests continue on campus demonstrations and supposed, have garza brooks. many us universities, more than 100 students and the academics of being arrested at least 5 people, including a child have died, was trying to cross the english channel in the u. k as well, but they were on had been carrying, moving a 100 passages, as also happened to alice off the pushed parliament's post, the so called rolanda bill. i guess the government's controversial plan to process assign them seek is off show rights groups on the un have condemned the bill. yup. stating out with all the headlines will be back with another full bulletin of news of the we get you back the i'll just 0 out
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the in may 2022. and these really sold just shot dead, which is 0 correspondence, sharina black and the occupied west bank. sharina, however, was not the only journalist killed by the israeli army in recent years. some report suggests that at least 55 palestinian journalists were killed by the israeli army between the 2000 done mid 2023. yes sir. and latasha was killed by his riley. smelly, for far. while he was covering the annual great mount, she'll return near the goal is to reach riley bolder in 2018. these railey set that montage. i was in a so called calm,
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but activities then is really defense minister. i've been go, leave him and set that montage. it was operating a camera driving over the israeli soldiers, a claim that later turned out to be false in the bottom by me come by him for a visit or observational. some us on the said that got set on the set on the 0 on so while you show some us, let me compare them. what's called a girlfriend's. kimberly must go to go from somebody or mission, not the find, verify the so the lowest the mission, but a find let him are not to loss. so from alarm law. so from of the article thoughts, i'll send you the same because the and responds the us state department said the us had to approve the ground for a media company which montage at co founded a spokeswoman has a now it told a press briefing that quote,
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latasha had been invented on the us government guidelines. nonetheless, israel did not charge the soldier who shot latasha the how and then also the ends in the amount of domino. and the said, when i found out that the female female committed slightly like invest what i saw in the amount of a on when effect the fee on and then and, and then the company you had the why them and we'll do fee mean horse of the company, that's what i mean. what operating on the company? yes, it was in that and the full bucket is divided by 80 and a sudden that's how they'll come. the one where they stuff up and the some of the, some of the and number some that's coming off of the human that education for and how we a mean and general intervene. that's part of the welcome to collected a slightly as of you know, couple not i would have been at this level, but there's a blog i would live in a put that on that as well for me. that'd be that it can he,
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uh and how much be intact can leave eh, and help open that sort of thing in a, with a, with an, an aspect of some of the most of the kid the lump to can with that in and the have palm at the top of the, or the enjoying the a lot of that and sort of, i mean, i love you, come a bit of luck enough such a software similar. so you have lots of that. it's a lot of what's of the 2nd cabinet level, the, the buckling in the but i did complete to walton for who they come in and just tell them i'm pull up j mcclung off most as much. yeah. and had the wound up. i swear a. yay! yay me didn't move washed, i've done all the work with you. yes, a motel azure with shots in garza which they use riley's view as a special case. they declare that a so called hostile entity in 2007,
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which gave these really ami a degree of protection in attacking anyone that these really judicial system often uses this as a reason for not summoning witnesses or hearing statements in cases involving gen, lists, killed and garza corman, who, i mean cabal has the sophia and they have to adjust the amendment and had given us getting yeah, some idea who i do as of for the, for the 80 men, a fucking team had the he should go and the mouth about off on the thought as a here out of the more ideas so that it's real easy mind a self who uh lived the you should get 9 the 100 apart csc. little con, only, they made a lot of internal and probably during the, during send, he meant to been listed as the mfc home. if i fi and i bought 100 in and whether
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you know, the situation in the occupied westbank is different. but the outcome can never the less be the same when gen list that killed the other obstacles to legal proceedings . kind of right. the is really thoughts is shot dead palestinian cameraman is the adult was a while he was covering events in the west bank city of nablus. in april 2003. he was looking for associated press television news, a t t m. at the time his family immediately filed the complaint and it is really cold. but 20 years later, no one has been charged as his file seems to have disappeared. some a dog was a has continued to pursue his father's case, but without success. not done that we had
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a little can we not have to talk this while i'm in a, you know, helpful. how long not, not a little place and not gonna will like an in law or in the right. and on the most, a lot of my 5th lumina fucking, there's one back in there. what i'll try that. they're going to use a kind of, i do show it to a, when they literally pull a look at that, and then do conflict. all that in the special ed was the football. well, the about the to you it goes to 100 and have to what kind of a high me him and it does a little from how that one more time in the top, the hollow a little little of the. yeah. and what color little more high the model of the sleep on the summer. so sits on a lot of tokyo uninsured a model for us moments an alternate us not well to us. all of them either showed full mack on like a tablet that had a mutual within the gun even live in montgomery. and the lovely little shift little animal for them the most called in to fill out a sort of, you the,
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the in the most a half of the going to come a few a couple of minutes. most of them at the lot this week. and when did you get the whole good 5th? kind of get a have a say in was uh huh. what am i see the, the left lot of the little bit of a had an issue is limits must be that have a lot for the so on the and this is that the item in the nothing, no fee or female? asking ma'am, well, i'm was to the what am i living in a do it right now? love to get a good will overlap. you have the mobile on the 2nd and then most of the day tomorrow because that initial had and they put upon the activity that allowed. and then i would want to keep one of those sides. i know what's been anything really related, but it was said i could put a little hot like in the awesome,
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well how does that work done to in the summer and it feels like more uh, look, uh, that'd be the problem is this number than the i mean, you have to know that the little as uh, what i can uh and move on to the homepage with the fund weren't able to book without trouble, even if it's on it. and my and i on here, what kind of the, for the, for the, for the mobile, not them uh for the my usual hold the phone when, if you mobile, well come with the for the enough in the hi. can this eladio enough in the how i can do it? are you oh, just a real contact today and asking them to respond to some a dollar was allocation that they took no legal action in the case of his father, but they didn't reply. this is a document issued by an is really cool. it's in high, so i mean 2010 to do with the murder of them. that's a, a daughter was a it says that according to the cold, the case has been closed because no witnesses appeared to testify.
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however, the was, as family says, the witnesses were willing to testify, but these riley also, it is denied them security permits to into israel in order to appear in court. and the current law is showing them to kind of movies within the small little use us holding it, them to live almost on to live injured a. so that's running a little of them. uh, some uh, shots i had in the back of it. and also a month below one of the age of the sale. what of the email? uh yeah. and if not, uh, yeah, and then almost let me look and see both of them in the new market man open and how many can look at the north on the uh, i know how to put them in a while and then we'll have it. and we'll see what the best thing i'm going to judge wouldn't know and thought it's how the eh, will also in law is boseman, as mentioned in the call miss, how many of the old by the, the model,
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not counting the connected on the how comes in did i have a sub of what i would with this and the didn't want to see it will get them to have that a would you like to talk through and let's see of a couple. yeah. in the thought we had was in the 11 hack engine with the account. if you have one us about 10 minutes, give me a look at how google chrome rosewood, and know how the, how to well, those words and how to put all the integer out of how to solve you. how many of us so the tech would say that this was a more than a 100 and then what the mission was, what did it get it since you had looked at the phone with doctor to you and you had that by the judge ministration looks like you had a little hesitation just waiting to hear about that that had said to help look for them i left before they found that the the it to me anyways have had the agenda. is your husband probably out of the jobs if somebody looks like he just hasn't called the ssl that you need it's i'm gonna set up the manager more. he wouldn't want, he and the agent has, oh boy and a new ship can and the top corner on the a demo model,
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assuming the impact of where the the, and send the bill. this is a, is to the 5th month any in what definitely the, the said the fatalities that what it would, that'd be half the o g a 0 contract to these really all me asking them to respond to the allegations made in this film including the targeting of journalists, suppressing evidence and covering up for the soldiers, actions. anatomy spokesman replied and talked at length about quote, activities of a comb by nature, but didn't refer to any of the gen, let's by name alj a 0 followed up with a 2nd more recent request for comment. but these really all me did not reply several months after the death of sharina, but i play these really all me. he had still not admitted to murder. so i'll just
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say we're a media network submitted a formal request to the international criminal court in the hague. in december 2022 to investigate and prosecute those responsible al, just arizona investigation had found that this really falls. he's had 5 direct cleared sharina and colleagues and submitted this to the i c. c. it also refuted these ready claim the black play had been killed accidentally. the international federation of gen lists on the palestinian general, as cindy could also filed a joint to complain to the i c. c, over as well as targeting of journalists on failure to fully investigate any of the cases. these included the killing of us and latasha, a document double who's saying in garza and the injuries to milwaukee a monday and the dental stay in the occupied westbank. the child of decide,
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they actually decide the book, put them the other man after the back and let them do at the thought it will just doing what i can then he had a so the amendment of blackened or that type of took that on the ball well, why don't you don't need it to have looking at it. don't tell him that in a letter for count them on the toner of off the whole or shave you should e y a can or you just the school. yeah. and to talk to him or maybe is it the model? is the same to, to saw another study by the end, but send it back to you on the, on the, in the, in the end. but that update to the uh, the well not the what i can, the still not a bit of anything. this is that letter from the i c c to the palestinian journalist syndicate, which thanks them for the information and says it will be sent quote, to relevant stuff members for further review. however, the c. c, early investigates. crimes committed in palestine since the 13th of june,
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2014. when the palestinian authority accepted i. c. c jurisdiction or not enough for the whole 40 few minutes, i'll put on my clothes. then it must have been doing a the year. it had this, be sure i can see it was well up there or not, it must go engineer the we a lot on go to because all you have the federal a j, the amount now and a the, i'm going to do of those of the what they'll be out of minutes. i'll put on their fuck up the at them and love out of the i'm call the live call it be here with him another from of the subject of the the they keep them on. i don't know if i can push on. i'm not going to do it or you will. who will as a man in the middle is, are highly recommended. we're like and the rest of monthly, i heard the term for mobile have a cut. the thing on the low self in the felt the saw the in the night to the book club and what else all of the minimum ban, let me know if it's
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a collect terminal model and then how can we get to that? i limit that to the amenities of to come back this afternoon listing was on the home. i see the possibly i don't remember some of the things that it was easy to find them. and then a couple of thought about possibly market hold on. sure. now we'll see you then, and then i felt about possibly the frame for that to where she can come and see you . that's my pleasure. that's matt. we're not gonna let the lead and the hi kim. i love to jump out in the fluffy and follow swimming lawyer, and then i just thought it was probably w. yes, of the, then the hedge i am, how do i mean i love this and then we got on the image in a ability you saved getting to know the certificate key. so i'm going to and so when i hit the wrong publish, how early next year i'm in the or somehow with that and i'm, i didn't come into any of the, the, the know of the from know who madison the sees when in to quote the, the so what i can lift it down, remind me of for me for leslie that a who a
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a and so on. she met a full cut on you. well from a didn't you what i meant for the how the home wash and it can boot can was built on the door. i'm going to add to fill in. what kind of that a look, how do you see god? so that all the how cool i showed rodman and all pull but you know, get, i'm in an awful button will come on. well, if you shred it for us the need, and then you have to have the recommend leading to, to what have had then he was still in the saddle up the phone night and will have me in allowed the fire ozy out at that one out. that's oh, had death. yeah. thought to city where i had made of order for the most and i mean time, how would you around that and send it? yeah. oh, just a or a contact to the i. c. c, asking it to respond to the allegations made by how back here. and so ronnie, against the i c c,
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i'm prosecute to the korean con the i c. c prosecutor's office replied, saying, since the beginning of his term, the prosecutor has put in place a dedicated team to advance the palestinian investigation. the prosecutor has also publicly stated that he intends to visit the state of palestine this year. the otp is making every effort to achieve this objective. they added the office continuously monitor has a range of events related to the situation in palestine, including recent ones. the office does not comment on details or specific steps relating to the investigation due to its confidential nature and the need to preserve the integrity of our processes, as well as the safety and security of all those concern and call fund a n d. and they'll be on the la. busy so the, i'm going to see,
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i see in my notes have a company is a must, well, my come by us any more. can the heck of a boat and actually on to jose. uh, not over sale. uh, the high end of the, when i can say, you know, so we're not gonna hold for a couple of the highest a lot is not the highest. and then us to my side of the whole, the csc island was the one that hasn't masato community feedback and with engine at the club itself, in the stuff in the, to west for the software, for the city. walk to someone have at the college showed that without the college of ha or with the you'll get anything when i can are you. i'm pretty much anytime in the commercial account when i'm not or when they had to go to the softer you had the more for the whole thought of something for us in the it was running able to model. well, i know about the local vesee for love, and i like to love with, with, with people in the tribe davina when i can, and i clicked on the subject. and what i would have created for the student or somebody is i'm a method in a storage unit and that gives you the ability to add the good and the one that
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affect the oh, so to cut them and if that's all cut off. and after that, it'll be kind of mobile and that gives you that you have the most of it, but that's what i need to have covered capacity by the time around this. how it's chris comp smith know if he thought the c c low seats would eventually see someone charged and tried for the john list mode as well. i'm not sure whether it's a look, but i absolutely believe this should be the next step. this for the all these matters, all these kennings to be taken to a high call to be looked tasked again. because in all the cases and that i've looked at and been involved with that still feels to me like an unfinished story. i would like to see the next step taken. i'd like to see that all these cases re investigated and, and, and come up with some sort of resolution or some, some definitive find me. oh,
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you only accept gifts to that matter for the minute. the guy in the push to see, you know, measure the front of folder and that if enough door 10 to vote and i've done the on uh the display name and then we'll get it all sold out into a mac. and if it out i'm subbing and one of the top lot of the if you head injury in that and the data for them, but it will still be in unless not the mission now shall have a slot for you. and then if you may done, how do you know what level and the, you know, the gun does in, in the middle of mission, the new own when called the little mac inventory. but i can and look the false and the saw a few football and all the how much brand know them to the left and macedonia, the know eh, not them to me in the middle of tough enough about the saw this hopefully most of
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us enough. i'll be a subbing for now. how about those about and then i put more wish i could find when it's a lot of at the moment in the field and has enough any and probably at the set of missionaries mismatch you in the whole way, add them to the oldest. and i'll put in the, i'll still have you and about how with them and have a minimum of how we, i mean, by the way to slightly add them to how it moves and write them down a fairly and into fairly elaborate going in the closet. and then you've had the saw . busy had been called the kind of newest indulge, color smiled and saw fit the 50 out of to sit in the hole of smooth and hale and was white. and. busy i can show live to a inches how many you have 10. 0, couple of those we've been doing ation in this. busy i've been nice on that moment
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. hey, i and power line 2nd, this rather go to the emission to sort of may latham marble. i should have middle thoughts on mode with the velocity element. going to buy a lot of the the to power work. oh uh, typically my check in, uh it could be that uh for the 100 and uh and not a time and not necessarily i was out of town and i must have it ready for that. but how it on up. so the best way to go, the heads not nice, which published in the engine lists have covered the war ongoing. so that began on the 7th of october 2023. since the start $31000.00. the world relies on every protein. israel does not allow gen, list from outside to enter. it goes to accept, accompanied by is ready forces who repulsively,
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examine the material before they leave. the number of journalists killed has arisen huge, really since the will began. if it gets published by the goal, is a government, media, or office in february 2020 full. the number of the 130 for this is rising all the time. the head of, i'll just here was guns, a bureau, why i left don't do, has been targeted. at least 3 talons, his wife, 3 children, and the grandson, bowl being killed. why i love to do was injured and photo general assemble up or down kept blood to death after they were hit. the bond is really striking. hun eunice in southern guns are on the 15th of december 2023. i'll just say we're a media network has urge the international community to hold as well accountable for the decks of all journalists and their families. when they operate and conflict areas, journalists know the risk,
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but they also expect the governments and then military will observe international and human rights flow to try and ensure the safety to do otherwise is a potential violation of media. freedom of their ability to report the facts in pursuit of the truth, the guns july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. resident of the coming to the death and devastation seems with the eyes of palestinian camera mancha lead hama who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life including its own garza, the last picture on the 0. the
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hello that. let's have a look at the weather across to south america, and we'll start in a very south because we've got a trailing weather system that's bringing most showers in storms. does have impacts all brazil in northern argentina and paraguay over the next few days. for the south of this, it is cooter, it looks dry, but we put to windy conditions and some colder conditions. coming into patagonia, 7 pots of chill, they sing some west to whether there as well. it remains very wet so close to north of brazil is very west of course, much of the northern parts of south america just in fly conditions coming in for rio de janeiro. but it's a story of heat across that central bank once again, just because tuesday in wednesday we'll see a pretty dramatic increase in the temperature the for us and sean 10 degrees celsius. we should be around 30 degrees, will be $139.00, and heat is a dominant feature across the central america and the caribbean, especially for mexico. we saw things cool down slight was some of that range
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temperature will be on the off again. places at monterey and mexico city seen in luxury rise there on wednesday is much west for the south of this and some heavy falls for costa rica as well as panama res shari. across the caribbean with heavy rain in his spun, you are now in the pool, but it's not. it's a freaking stereotypes full. while practicing the ancient mush allowed to come, it has made me physically very fit and mentally very strong. the mission is to serve the community, helping offers, cleaning up the streets and educate to young goals $1.00 oh, $1.00 east beach. the kung fu nuns got man do on al jazeera, the, it's been a full for an, a progressive change. you're locked in america. this time the slides remain high as the violence against 10 that the sexual minorities icons when a series to go to young women. this was taken place and it worked to establish
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great to freedom and equality. welcome to generations, have a very well series attempt to understand. i'm telling you is that mobilize youth around the world. generation change on out you 0 the the color that i'm your kyle: this is the news our live from the coming up in the next 16 minutes to 100 days of israel shows no sign of ending the violence in gaza and warnings about his plan for a ground defensive and rough uh the students and academics of talks in dozens of arrest that made to us universities protesting against.


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